Thứ bảy, 20/04/2024

Kĩ năng đọc viết- unit 8

Kĩ năng đọc viết- unit 8

  • 599 lượt thi

  • 10 câu hỏi

  • 40 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

Why do people usually sing?   

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Tại sao mọi người thường hát?

A.Họ thích chim.

B.Họ cảm thấy hạnh phúc.

C.Họ muốn kể một câu chuyện.

D.Họ thích học nhạc.

Thông tin: People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing.

Tạm dịch: Con người thường hát vì họ thích âm nhạc hoặc vì họ cảm thấy hạnh phúc. Họ thể hiện niềm hạnh phúc bằng cách hát.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 2:

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

 Which birds sing the most beautiful songs?   



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Những con chim nào hót những bài hát hay nhất?

A.Con chim đang trong một trạng thái tốt.

B.Chim đực.

C.Chim cái.

D.Chim cái thu hút chim đực.

Thông tin: The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Tạm dịch: Những bài hát hay nhất được hát bởi những con chim đực. Chúng hót khi muốn thu hút một con

chim cái. Đó là cách chúng nói rằng chúng đang tìm vợ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 3:

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

What warnings does a bird sometimes sing? 

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Một con chim đôi khi hót những cảnh báo nào?

A.Một cảnh báo để tránh xa.

B.Một cảnh báo để đến nhanh chóng.

C.Một cảnh báo về việc tiếp cận của con người.

D.Một cảnh báo ngừng hát.

Thông tin: Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

Tạm dịch: Chim cũng hót để bảo những con chim khác tránh xa. Đối với một con chim, cây của anh ta hoặc thậm chí là một nhánh cây, là nhà của nó. Nó không muốn người lạ đến gần nó, vì vậy nó hát để cảnh báo họ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 4:

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

 What do most birds usually do if they cannot sing well?



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Hầu hết các con chim thường làm gì nếu chúng không thể hót hay?

A.cảnh báo những con chim khác đi xa.

B.cung cấp thông tin của họ theo cách khác.

C.tìm vợ.

D.bay cao trên bầu trời.

Thông tin: If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs.

Tạm dịch: Nếu một con chim không thể hót hay, nó thường có một số phương tiện khác để cung cấp thông tin quan trọng. Một số loài chim nhảy múa, xòe đuôi hoặc làm những dấu hiệu khác.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 5:

Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

 People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.

The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of tree, is his home. He does not want strangers to come near him, so he sings to warn them.

If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

 What is one bird’s unusual way of attracting a hen bird?



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Đáp án D: Cách khác thường mà một con chim đực thu hút một con chim cái là gì?

A.Nó nhảy nhót.

B.Nó xòe ra đuôi.

C.Nó tìm vợ.

D.Nó sử dụng vỏ và hoa để làm vườn.

Thông tin: One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

Tạm dịch: Một con chim có cách tìm vợ bất thường nhất. Nó xây dựng một khu vườn nhỏ với vỏ và hoa.

Câu 7:

in Midfield, from where he regularly scores goals. Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. He played very skillfully. When he was ten years old, he joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history.

In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most expensive footballer in history. He earned a lot of money at that time. He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”.

 He became a ________ superstar.



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Anh ấy đã trở thành một siêu sao ____.

A.bóng chuyền

B.bóng đá

C.quần vợt

D.cầu lông

Thông tin: He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. Ronaldo became a soccer superstar.

Tạm dịch: Anh được coi là một trong những cầu thủ giỏi nhất thế giới. Ronaldo đã trở thành một siêu sao bóng đá.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 9:

in Midfield, from where he regularly scores goals. Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. He played very skillfully. When he was ten years old, he joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history.

In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most expensive footballer in history. He earned a lot of money at that time. He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”.

 Why did Ronaldo become the most expensive footballer in history?

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Tại sao Ronaldo trở thành cầu thủ bóng đá đắt giá nhất trong lịch sử?

A.Bởi vì anh ấy chơi rất tệ.

B.Vì anh luyện tập chăm chỉ.

C.Vì anh ấy chơi khéo léo.

D.Vì anh kiếm được rất nhiều tiền.

Thông tin: He played very skillfully. When he was ten years old, he joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history.

Tạm dịch: Anh ấy chơi rất khéo léo. Khi anh lên mười tuổi, anh gia nhập Sporting Lisbon và trở thành cầu thủ duy nhất trong lịch sử của họ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 10:

in Midfield, from where he regularly scores goals. Ronaldo started kicking a ball around when he was three. He played very skillfully. When he was ten years old, he joined Sporting Lisbon and became the only player in their history.

In 2009, Ronaldo joined his boyhood heroes Real Madrid and became the most expensive footballer in history. He earned a lot of money at that time. He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”.

 He was said to be the best player on the ________.



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Đáp án B : Anh ấy được cho là cầu thủ giỏi nhất ____.

A.thế giới

B.hành tinh

C.lịch sử

D.siêu thị

Thông tin: He broke Real’s scoring record in his second season with 53 goals in all competitions. In 2012, Diego Mara Dona said Ronaldo was “the best player on the planet”.

Tạm dịch: Anh phá vỡ kỷ lục ghi bàn của Real trong mùa thứ hai với 53 bàn thắng trên mọi đấu trường. Vào năm 2012, Diego Mara Dona cho biết Ronaldo là cầu thủ giỏi nhất hành tinh.

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