W-Br: Hi Raymond. It's Marta Dunmore. I'm calling about the wood options we discussed for my new kitchen floor.
M-Cn: Great! What did you decide?
W-Br: Well, I thought about choosing the dark pine. But then I took the samples you gave me into the kitchen and looked at them carefully. I decided the pattern on the oak will look best.
M-Cn: Oak is a great choice. It's harder than pine, so it's a good value. And the light color of the ash and maple don't really match your kitchen.
W-Br: OK, great. When can you start the installation?
M-Cn: I'll have to check my calendar when I get back to the office. Can I give you a call later?
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M-Cn: Hi, Ms. Larson. Thanks for agreeing to review the budget report that I prepared. I wanted to make sure that I did it correctly since it's my first time.
W-Am: Yes, Jason, It looked very good overall. The only thing I'll need you to do is to add more details to the expenditures list. We like to have every office supply itemized.
M-Cn: Oh, OK, sure. I'll work on getting those details this afternoon. It would be helpful to see how it was done in the past. Is there an example of a report that I can look at?
W-Am: You should talk to Emiko-she can give you a copy of last month's report.
W-Br: OK, Mr. Patel. Did the doctor want you to make another appointment?
M-Cn: Yes, but I'll have to check my work calendar.
W-Br: You can now make appointments on our Web site if you have an account. Just log on and view available times online.
M-Cn: Great. How do I sign up for an account?
W-Br: Colin handles all registrations. Colin, can you help Mr. Patel set up a patient account on our Web site?
M-Au: Certainly. If you have a smartphone, we can do it now. Or 431 can give you a handout with instructions to set up your account later.
M-Cn: I'll set it up later.
M-Au: OK. Here's the handout. Please call with any questions.
M-Au: Ms. Batra, how does the stage look to you? Is the piano in the right place?
W-Am: The stage arrangement is fine. But can we make sure that there'll be enough background lighting? I want all the members of my band to be visible.
M-Au: Of course. But I'd rather do it when the rest of your band is here so I can be sure the lighting is right.
W-Am: OK. I'm meeting them for lunch and then we're coming back here to rehearse together this afternoon. We'll see you then
W-Am: Thanks for stopping by, Vincent and Sanjay. The board of directors decided to purchase new security cameras, so someone from Menovar Technologies is coming tomorrow to deliver and install them.
M-Cn: It'll be good to have the latest equipment.
W-Am I agree. So Vincent, I'll need some of your Maintenance Department staff to help with the installation.
M-Cn: No problem. I'll send two people over to assist.
W-Am: Thanks.
M-Au: Will there be a training session for my security personnel to use the new camera system?
W-Am: Yes, Sanjay-Menovar Technologies suggested next Monday for the training. Is that OK for your team?
M-Au: Sure. How about ten o'clock?
W-Am: I'll e-mail Menovar right away to see if that works for them.
W-Br: Hi, Bob, I received your e-mail about the software training at two P.M. this Friday. But I have to meet with the marketing director of J. Alderman and Sons at that time.
M-Au: Oh, I'm sorry; I completely forgot that you had a client meeting. How long do you think it'll take?
W-Br: Probably thirty to forty-five minutes. I have to review a contract with him. Is there any way that you could start the training later in the day?
M-Au: Unfortunately, the rest of the team isn't free after three P.M ., but if it's OK with you, I can just e-mail you the training documents to look over on your own. Contact me next week if you have any questions.
W-Br: Hello, Mr. Tanaka. Welcome to Bike Solutions Consulting. When I heard that a representative from the Burrville City Council wanted to meet, I was very excited.
M-Cn: Well, we know your company helps cities set up their bike-share programs, and Burrville wants to set one up, too.
W-Br: That's great news! What are your goals for your program?
M-Cn: We want to encourage our residents to exercise as well as to reduce car traffic. But it's going to be a challenge convincing people to participate.
W-Br: We'll handle that. When cities partner with us, part of the service we provide is an advertising campaign. We'll produce television and radio commercials that will encourage community members to use the bikes.
M-Cn: Hello, Ma'am. Thanks for shopping at Fresh made Supermarket. Do you have one of our loyalty cards?
W-Am: Yes, but I forgot to bring it today.
M-Cn: Unfortunately, I can't look up your phone number because our computer system isn't working, so I can't give you a discount today.
W-Am: OK. I understand. Oh, and I took this bottle of soy sauce from the shelf, but I don't want to buy it now.
M-Cn: That's fine, I know where it belongs. Now, will you be paying with cash or credit?
W-Br: Thank you for agreeing to meet me for this interview. The readers of Auto World Magazine are eager to hear about your company's plans for a new car manufacturing plant.
M-Au: Yes, we'll be opening a facility in Indonesia soon. We currently have two plants in this country, so we're looking forward to expanding our production capabilities overseas.
W-Br: I see. And when will the first cars be built in that factory?
M-Au: That's a good question. Right now we're planning on December.