The numerical score assigned to the credit rating of a bond is best described as what type of number?
A. Continuous
B. Cardinal
C. Ordinal
D. Nominal
Chọn đáp án: C
Which of the following is a correct interpretation of a “95% confidence interval” for a regression parameter?
Which of the following statements is correct concerning the conditions required for OLS to be a usable estimation technique?
Which of the following is the most accurate definition of the term “the OLS estimator”?
Consider a standard normally distributed variable, a t-distributed variable with d degrees of freedom, and an F-distributed variable with (1, d) degrees of freedom. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
What is the relationship, if any, between the normal and t-distributions?
What is the relationship, if any, between t-distributed and F-distributed random variables?
The value of the Durbin Watson test statistic in a regression with 4 regressors (including the constant term) estimated on 100 observations is 3.6. What might we suggest from this?
Which of the following is NOT a good reason for including lagged variables in a regression?
Which of the following would you expect to be a problem associated with adding lagged values of the dependent variable into a regression equation?
Suppose that we wanted to sum the 2007 returns on ten shares to calculate the return on a portfolio over that year. What method of calculating the individual stock returns would enable us to do this?
Which of the following is NOT a good reason for including a disturbance term in a regression equation?
Which of the following is NOT correct with regard to the p-value attached to a test statistic?