Which animal can live both on land and in water?
A. snake
B. frog
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Dịch câu hỏi: Con vật nào sống được cả trên cạn và dưới nước?
A. con rắn
B. con ếch
Chọn B
Which animal has many arms and legs?
Listen and choose the correct animal
Which animal can’t fly?
Which animal is a reptile?
Which animal can’t run?
Which animal is it?
Which animal has 4 legs and thick fur?
Which animal can climb?
Which animal can talk?
Which animal is an amphibian?
Which animal is a mammal?
Choose the country that you didn't hear.
Where are Maria and Jane from?
Which country is it?
What is the name of the country that is spelled?
What are the colors of the flag of France?
Listen and choose the best answer.
Where is George from?