Tom had difficulty in finishing his project so he asked Linda for assisting him.
- Tom: “How about giving me a hand?” - Linda: “________.”
Tạm dịch: Tom đang gặp khó khăn trong việc hoàn thành dự án của mình, vì thế anh ấy nhờ Linda tư vấn.
Tom: “ Vậy còn việc giúp mình thì sao?”
Linda: “____”
A: Chưa, vẫn chưa. B: Mình hứa
C: Không có gì phải cảm ơn đâu. D: Chắc chắn rồi. Mình rất vui lòng giúp đỡ cậu.
Đáp án: D
“Well, it’s getting late. Maybe, we could get together sometime.”
- Tim: “ Let’s go to Fuji for our summer holiday!”
- Tom: “ _______ “.
Lisa and Rachel are talking on the phone.
- Lisa: “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” - Rachel: “______________”
After finishing the duty at the company at 6 p.m.
Anna: “Shall we eat out tonight? ”
Jane: “___________”
Henry is talking to his mother.
- Henry: “I’ve passed my driving test.” – His mother: “______________”
Two friends Diana and Anne are talking about their friend Bob’s new hairstyle.
- Diana: “Bob looks so impressive with his new hairstyle, Anne.”
- Anne: “______”
Jim invited Helen to visit his gardens:
- Helen: "I love your gardens. The plants are well taken care of!"
- Jim : “Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always ____.”
Helen and Mary are talking about Mary’s result at school.
- Helen: “Your parents must be proud of your result at school!”
- Mary: “________”
- Mary: “Your new hairstyle is quite attractive!”
- Sheila: “____________. I think it makes me look 10 years older.”
Jane and John are talking about the speech contest next week.
Jane: “Will Ann enter for the speech contest?” - John: “______________”
- Dylan: “I’m thinking of doing some shopping today. Can you recommend anywhere?”
- Steward: “______________”
~ Jane: “Thank you very much for the lovely flowers.”
~ Susan: “________________"
David is talking to his friend, Monica.
- David: “_____________.”
- Monica: “Good luck to you”.