Câu hỏi:

14/10/2022 118

Write a short paragraph (120 - 150 words) about noise pollution.

You can answer the following questions as cues:

• What are the causes of noise pollution?

• What are its consequences?






Trả lời:

verified Giải bởi Vietjack

Dịch nghĩa câu hỏi:

Viết một đoạn văn ngắn (120 - 150 từ) về ô nhiễm tiếng ồn.

• Nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm tiếng ồn là gì?

• Hậu quả của nó là gì?

• Nên làm gì để kiểm soát nó?

Gợi ý trả lời:

MAIN IDEAS (Ý chính)

Causes (Nguyên nhân)

* high demand (n. phr.) (nhu cầu cao)

* use light carelessly (v. phr.) (chiếu sáng vô tội vạ)

* advertisement (n.) (quảng cáo)

* technology development (n. phr.) (sự phát triển công nghệ)

Effects (Tác động)

* waste energy (v. phr.) (lãng phí năng lượng)

* cause diseases (v. phr.) (gây bệnh)

* waste money (v. phr.) (tốn tiền)

* pollute (v.) (gây ô nhiễm)

Solutions (Giải pháp)

* calculate (v.) (tính toán)

* save (v.) (tiết kiệm)

* design (v.) (thiết kế)

* change habits (v. phr.) (thay đổi thói quen)

Bài mẫu:

Though we cannot see or smell noise pollution, it is still available and affects our environment. Noise pollution happens when noise from human’s activities reaches the harmful limit. Studies have shown that there are direct connections between noise and health including diseases like stress, high blood pressure, language disorder and hearing loss. Noise pollution is believed to have caused thousands of death a year by increasing the rate of coronary heart disease. Underwater noise pollution caused by ships has bad effects on whale’s navigation system and kills other species depending on natural water environment. Wild species have to communicate with louder voice which is believed to have shortened their lifespan. It’s high time to have laws on controlling noise pollution so that we can have a better and quieter living environment for all including human.

Mặc dù chúng ta không thể nhìn thấy hoặc ngửi thấy ô nhiễm tiếng ồn, nó vẫn tồn tại và ảnh hưởng đến môi trường của chúng ta. Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn xảy ra khi tiếng ồn từ các hoạt động của con người đạt đến giới hạn có hại. Các nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng có những mối liên hệ trực tiếp giữa tiếng ồn và sức khỏe bao gồm các bệnh như căng thẳng, huyết áp cao, rối loạn ngôn ngữ và mất thính giác, ô nhiễm tiếng ồn được cho là đã gây ra hàng ngàn ca tử vong mỗi năm do tăng tỷ lệ bệnh tim mạch vành, ô nhiễm tiếng ồn dưới nước do tàu gây ra có ảnh hưởng xấu đến hệ thống định vị của cá voi và giết chết các loài khác tùy thuộc vào môl trường nước tự nhiên. Các loài hoang dã phải giao tiếp bằng âm lượng lớn hơn được cho là đã rút ngắn tuổi thọ của chúng. Đã đến lúc phải có luật kiểm soát ô nhiễm tiếng ồn để chúng ta có một môi trường sống tốt đẹp và yên tĩnh hơn cho tất cả bao gồm cả con người

Câu trả lời này có hữu ích không?



Câu 1:

He said, “I don’t have much time to talk to you.”


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 772

Câu 2:

Kate said, “I will help you carry your luggage.”


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 509

Câu 3:

“I am very happy with your results,” Mrs. Green said to us.


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 339

Câu 4:

“ I enjoyed the performance yesterday,” Trang said.


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 241

Câu 5:

“Many activities will be held to encourage environmental protection,” my teacher said.


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 231

Câu 6:

Match each word with its suitable definition.

E.g.: chemical

a chemical used for killing pests, especially insects

1. deforestation

b. the reduction of something by a large amount so that there is not enough left

2. depletion

c. a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process

3. fertilizer

d. plants in general, especially the plants that are found in a particular area or environment

4. pesticide

e. a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully

5. vegetation

f. the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 190

Câu 7:

Every day the environment is further_________by toxic wastes.

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 186

Câu 8:

Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when_________is burned.

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 184

Câu 9:

Nick told me, “I am going to see my parents next month.”


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 183

Câu 10:

Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.

Sadly, at a time when we need more forests, trees are being uprooted at an alarming rate. Deforestation is a rapidly growing problem in areas like Africa, Central and South America. Not only does this mean fewer trees, less cleansing oxygen, and the displacement of the wildlife, deforestation means a dangerous decrease in a natural fighter of global warming - the number one threat to our Earth right now. Removing trees also leads to much drier climates, as trees extract groundwater to release into the air.

Our tropical rainforests, which are crucial to stabilizing the climate and to human survival, are being chopped down at a breakneck pace - one and a half acres of rainforest are lost every second. Humans have already chopped down about 50% of the rainforests that once existed on the planet and at the current rate of destruction, we will completely destroy the rainforests in the next 40 years. If rainforests are so important, why are they being destroyed so carelessly? Short-sighted governments and multi-national logging companies only see the forests as a way to make money by selling timber - they don’t consider the long-term effects.

Luckily, deforestation is an issue that we as individuals can combat. By using recycled paper, we can decrease the need to cut down as many trees and by buying goods made with FSC-certified wood, we can show retailers that we don’t want them to support brands that obtain lumber irresponsibly.

1. Trees are being destroyed at an_________, and problem in areas like Africa, Central and South America is deforestation.

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 176

Câu 11:

Toxic_________containing mercury continue to be dumped in the North Sea.

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 149

Câu 12:

They said, “We haven’t been to the bank for a long time.”


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 148

Câu 13:

Sulphur dioxide is one of several_________that are released into the atmosphere.

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Câu 14:

Use the correct forms off the words in exercise I to complete the sentences.

E.g.: Many __chemicals__have been discharged into the environment and polluted it seriously.

1. _________can help farmers kill pests, but they are also harmful to environment.

2. Soil erosion and flooding are two main effects of_________.

3. _________in the area has died because there has been no rain for the last 3 months.

4. Farmers have spent much money buying_________                                          which is essential for a more successful crops.

5. The_________of fossil fuels is so serious that we are going to run out of it soon.

Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 134

Câu 15:

He said, “I don’t understand the teacher’s question.”


Xem đáp án » 14/10/2022 131

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