Tom had difficulty in finishing his project so he asked Linda for assisting him.
- Tom: “How about giving me a hand?” - Linda: “________.”
Tạm dịch: Tom đang gặp khó khăn trong việc hoàn thành dự án của mình, vì thế anh ấy nhờ Linda tư vấn.
Tom: “ Vậy còn việc giúp mình thì sao?”
Linda: “____”
A: Chưa, vẫn chưa. B: Mình hứa
C: Không có gì phải cảm ơn đâu. D: Chắc chắn rồi. Mình rất vui lòng giúp đỡ cậu.
Đáp án: D
Lucy is asking for permission to play the guitar at Pete’s home.
Lucy: “Is it all right if I play the guitar in here while you’re studying?”
Pete: “_________________”
A man is talking to Alex when he is on holiday in Paris,
The man: “You haven’t lived here long, have you?”
Alex: “__________.”
Joe and Matt met at a friend’s farewell party.
Joe: “ I thought you were too tired”
Matt: “ ______ I’ve decided to go. I feel I owe it to him.”
Clara and Phil are discussing women and men in society.
Clara: "As I see it, women often drive more carefully than men."
Phil: "_________”
Fiana and Fallon are talking about the weather.
Fiana: “Isn’t it going to rain tonight?” – Fallon: “_________.”
John was late for a meeting with Jane. He’s now apologizing to Jane for the incident.
John: “I’m so sorry I was late."
Jane: “_______.”
Peter: “Don’t fail to send your parents my regards.”
Susan: “_____.”
Hoa: “Are you going to buy a new computer or just continue using the old one?” - Mary:
- “______.”
Anna is seeing Bill off at the airport.
Anna: "_______"
Bill: "I will."