The word “advantage” in the last paragraph most closely means
Đáp án D
Advantage ~ Benefit (n): lợi ích, thuận lợi
“One advantage writing has over speech is that it is more permanent and makes possible the records that any civilization must have” (Một lợi ích mà viết hơn nói là nó lâu bền hơn và có thể lưu giữ hồ sơ mà bất cứ nền văn minh nào cùng phải có)
- Speech / spi:t∫/ (n): lời nói - Primary / 'praiməri/ (adj): chính, chủ yếu - Doubtless /'dautləs/ (adv): chắc chắn, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa - Represent / ,repri'zent / (v): đại diện, tượng trưng cho - Imperfectly / im'pɜ:fektli / (adv): không hoàn hảo, không hoàn chỉnh - Severely / si'viəli / (adv): nghiêm trọng - Mentally / 'mentəli / (adv): vẻ mặt tinh thần - Develop / di'veləp / (v): phát triển - Derive / di'raiv / (v) + from: bắt nguồn từ, nhận được từ - Effort /'efət / (n): nỗ lực |
- System /'sis.təm/ (n): hệ thống - Rudiments /'ru:.di.mənts/ ( nguyên tắc sơ đẳng, nguyên tắc cơ sở - Primacy /'prai.mə.si/ (n): địa vị thứ nhất, tính ưu việt - Disparage / dis'pæridʒ / (v): làm mất uy tín, xem thường - Permanent / 'pɜ:mənənt/ (adj): vĩnh viễn, bền vững - Record / ri'kɔ:d / (n): hồ sơ, sự ghi chép - Civilization / ,sivəlai'zei∫ən / (n): nền văn minh |
The school was closed for a month because of serious ………… of fever.
At the time many rulers were afraid of science, and (130) ______connected with it was in danger.
People usually can get sufficient _________ of the calcium their bodies need from the food they consume.
It is stated in the passage that torches for lighting were made from ______.
The new school complex cost ______ the city council had budgeted for.
The existence of many stars in the sky _______ us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.
The planes were delayed and the hotel was awful, but ______ we still had a good time.
There’s a lot ______ violent crime in this area than there used to be.