Trang chủ Lớp 11 Tiếng Anh (mới) Kiểm Tra – Unit 4: Caring For Those In Need

Kiểm Tra – Unit 4: Caring For Those In Need

Kiểm Tra – Unit 4: Caring For Those In Need

  • 2710 lượt thi

  • 50 câu hỏi

  • 15 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

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Đáp án:

campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/             

impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt/                  

repair   /rɪˈpeə(r)/       

aware /əˈweə(r)/

Phần được gạch chân ở câu A được phát âm thành /æ/, còn lại là /eə/

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 2:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

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Đáp án:

blind /blaɪnd/                          

prioritize /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/                                   

financial /faɪˈnænʃl/                

mobility /məʊˈbɪləti/

Phần được gạch chân ở câu D được phát âm thành /aɪ/, còn lại là /i/

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 3:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

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Đáp án:

accessible /əkˈsesəbl/             

experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/                                

special /ˈspeʃl/                         

force /fɔːs/

Phần được gạch chân ở câu C được phát âm thành /ʃ/, còn lại là /s/

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 4:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

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Đáp án:

charity  /ˈtʃærəti/                     

campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/                         

donate /dəʊˈneɪt/                    

attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/

Phần được gạch chân ở câu C được phát âm thành /eɪ/, còn lại là /æ/

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 5:

Choose one word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest

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Đáp án:

integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/                            

independent /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/               

determined /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/                     

access /ˈækses/

Phần được gạch chân ở câu D được phát âm thành /e/, còn lại là /i/

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 6:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án:

disabled /dɪsˈeɪbld/                

poverty /ˈpɒvəti/                                

barrier  /ˈbæriə(r)/                   

celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/

Câu A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, còn lại là 1

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 7:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án:

community /kəˈmjuːnəti/                    

individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/                               

accessible  /əkˈsesəbl/                        

forgettable /fəˈɡetəbl/

Câu B trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 3, còn lại là 2

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 8:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others

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Đáp án:

access /ˈækses/                                    

control /kənˈtrəʊl/                   

donate /dəʊˈneɪt/                                

support /səˈpɔːt/

Câu A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, còn lại là 1

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 9:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án:

wheelchair /ˈwiːltʃeə(r)/                                  

visual   /ˈvɪʒuəl/                      

treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/                                      

impaired /ɪmˈpeəd/

Câu D trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, còn lại là 1

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 10:

Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others.

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Đáp án:

discuss /dɪˈskʌs/                                 

mission /ˈmɪʃn/                        

message /ˈmesɪdʒ/                              

suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/

Câu A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết 2, còn lại là 1

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 11:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Students decided to get involved in a ______ event to provide practical help for those in need.

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Đáp án:

help (v): giúp đỡ                               

charity (n): từ thiện   

need (v): cần                                     

kindness (n): tử tế

=> Students decided to get involved in a charity event to provide practical help for those in need.

Tạm dịch: Học sinh quyết định tham gia vào một sự kiện từ thiện để cung cấp sự giúp đỡ thiết thực cho những người có nhu cầu.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 12:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Presence of international volunteers in the project also helps attract attention of the local _______ for the cause of mentally impaired children.

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Đáp án:

society (n): xã hội                                           

population (n): dân số                        

community (n): cộng đồng                            

neighbours (n): hàng xóm

=> Presence of international volunteers in the project also helps attract attention of the local community for the cause of mentally impaired children.

Tạm dịch: Sự hiện diện của các tình nguyện viên quốc tế trong dự án cũng giúp thu hút sự chú ý của cộng đồng địa phương vì sự nghiệp của trẻ em bị suy giảm tinh thần.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 13:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Children with disabilities in Viet Nam should have _______ to inclusive and quality primary and secondary education on an equal basis.

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Đáp án:

method (n): phương pháp                              

reach (v): chạm tới                

access  (n): truy cập                                       

use (v): sử dụng

=> Children with disabilities in Viet Nam should have access to inclusive and quality primary and secondary education on an equal basis.

Tạm dịch: Trẻ em khuyết tật ở Việt Nam nên có quyền tiếp cận với giáo dục tiểu học và trung học cơ sở và chất lượng trên cơ sở bình đẳng.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 14:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question 4: A good attitude won’t solve the problems associated with a learning _______, but it can give your child hope and confidence.

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Đáp án:

environment (n): môi trường                         

injury (n): bị thương  

illness (n): ốm                                                

disability (n): khuyết tật

=> A good attitude won’t solve the problems associated with a learning disability but it can give your child hope and confidence.

Tạm dịch: Một thái độ tốt sẽ không giải quyết được các vấn đề liên quan đến khuyết tật học tập, nhưng nó có thể cho con bạn hy vọng và tự tin.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 15:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: The principal of a special school for the disabled said that the school has no _______ to replace broken hearing aids.

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Đáp án:

sum (n): tổng                                     

fund (n): quỹ              

collection (n): thu thập                       

availability (n): tính sẵn sàng

=> The principal of a special school for the disabled said that the school has no fund to replace broken hearing aids.

Tạm dịch: Hiệu trưởng của một trường đặc biệt dành cho người khuyết tật nói rằng trường không có quỹ để thay thế các thiết bị trợ thính bị hỏng.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 16:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Students with a hearing loss may need to use _______ technology to participate in class.

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Đáp án:

assistant (n): trợ lý                             

assistance (n): sự giúp đỡ                  

assisted (v): giúp đỡ                           

assistive (adj): hỗ trợ

Chỗ cần điền đứng trước danh từ nên cần 1 tính từ.

=> Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class.

Tạm dịch: Học sinh khiếm thính có thể cần phải sử dụng công nghệ hỗ trợ để tham gia lớp học.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 17:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: There is hope the disabled boy will soon be able to _______ into an inclusive school and attend regular education classes with a mixed group of children.

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Đáp án:

combine (v): kết hợp                         

include (v): bao gồm

integrate (v): hội nhập                       

accept (v): chấp nhận

=>There is hope the disabled boy will soon be able to integrate into an inclusive school and attend regular education classes with a mixed group of children.

Tạm dịch: Hy vọng cậu bé tàn tật sẽ sớm có thể hòa nhập vào một trường học toàn diện và tham dự các lớp học giáo dục thường xuyên với một nhóm trẻ em hỗn hợp.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 18:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Self – awareness  which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special _______ is very important to disabled children.

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Đáp án:

talents  (n): tài năng                           

efficiency (n): hiệu quả                      

attractive (adj): hấp dẫn                     

events (n): sự kiện

=>Self – awareness  which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special talents is very important to disabled children.

Tạm dịch: Tự nhận thức là kiến thức về điểm mạnh, điểm yếu và tài năng đặc biệt là rất quan trọng đối với trẻ khuyết tật.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 19:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: A study conducted by the government and UNICEF a few years ago found that more than half of children with disabilities did not have _______ to education.

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Đáp án:

access (n): truy cập                                        

way (n): đường                      

road (n): đường                                              

path (n): đường mòn

=>A study conducted by the government and UNICEF a few years ago found that more than half of children with disabilities did not have access to education.

Tạm dịch: Một nghiên cứu được tiến hành bởi chính phủ và UNICEF cách đây vài năm cho thấy hơn một nửa số trẻ khuyết tật không được tiếp cận với giáo dục.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 20:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Volunteers can organize _______ campaigns to collect items such as books, clothing and shoes.

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Đáp án:

donation (n): quyên tặng                                

charity (n): từ thiện    

helping (n): phần thức ăn đưa mời               

supporting (adj): yếu, phụ 

=> Volunteers can organize charity campaigns to collect items such as books, clothing and shoes.

Tạm dịch: Các tình nguyện viên có thể tổ chức các chiến dịch từ thiện để thu thập các vật dụng như sách, quần áo và giày.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 21:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: The boy_____ his sight due to the accident at the age of nine.

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Đáp án:

Trạng từ chỉ thời gian: “at the age of nine” (vào lúc 9 tuổi) chỉ thời điểm ở quá khứ

Cấu trúc: S + Ved/ V2

=>The boy lost his sight due to the accident at the age of nine.

Tạm dịch: Cậu bé đã khiếm thị bởi vì vụ tai nạn vào lúc 9 tuổi.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 22:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: He _______ at the National Institute of Ophthalmology for nearly four years.

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Đáp án:

Trạng từ “for nearly four years” (khoảng gần 4 năm)

Cấu trúc: S + have/ has + Ved/ V3

=>He has been treated at the National Institute of Ophthalmology for nearly four years.

Tạm dịch: Ông ấy được điều trị ở viện mắt quốc gia khoảng gần 4 năm.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 23:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: The accident and hospitalization _______ disruption on his education a few years ago.

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Đáp án:

Trạng từ “a few years ago” (cách đây 1 vài năm)

Cấu trúc: S + Ved/ V2

=> The accident and hospitalization caused disruption on his education a few years ago.

Tạm dịch: Tai nạn và nhập viện gây ra sự gián đoạn việc học của anh ấy cách đây vài năm.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 24:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: This is the first time that boy _______ Braille at Nguyen Dinh Chieu School and so far Braille has become the light for his education.

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Đáp án:

This is the first time: Đây là lần đầu tiên

Cấu trúc: This is the first time + S + have/ has + Ved/ V3

=> This is the first time that boy has learned Braille at Nguyen Dinh Chieu School and so far Braille has become the light for his education.

Tạm dịch: Đây là lần đầu tiên cậu bé học chữ nổi tại trường Nguyễn Đình Chiểu và cho đến nay chữ nổi Braille đã trở thành ánh sáng cho việc học của anh.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 25:

Choose A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.

Question: Last Sunday, Texas-based game-fans The Speed Gamers _________in a charity activity to donate money to relief organisations.

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Đáp án:

Xuất hiện trạng từ: last Sunday (chủ nhật tuần trước)

Công thức: S + Ved/V2

=> Last Sunday, Texas-based game-fans The Speed Gamers participated in a charity activity to donate money to relief organisations.

Tạm dịch: Chủ nhật tuần trước, các game thủ có trụ sở tại Texas The Speed Gamers đã tham gia vào một hoạt động từ thiện để quyên tiền cho các tổ chức cứu trợ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 26:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 26:

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Đáp án:

happening (v): xảy ra                        

achieving (v): đạt được                   

resulting (v): kết quả                         

causing (v): gây ra

=> When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition resulting from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement.

Tạm dịch: Khi Thọ sinh ra cách đây 10 năm trước ở Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam, anh được chẩn đoán bị bại não - một tình trạng y tế là kết quả từ sự phát triển não bất thường ảnh hưởng đến sự phối hợp và vận động cơ bắp

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 27:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 27:

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Đáp án:

children (n): trẻ em                            

offspring (n): con đẻ  

person (n): người                               

siblings (n): anh chị em ruột trong nhà

=>Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three siblings.

Tạm dịch: Khi Thọ sinh ra, cha anh đã làm việc như một thợ nề và mẹ anh ở nhà chăm sóc cho Thọ và ba anh chị em của anh.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 28:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 28:

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Đáp án:

accept (v): chấp nhận                        

benefit (v): được lợi   

get (v): có                                           

help (v): giúp

=> Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could benefit from schooling.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù sự phát triển thể chất của Thọ đã tiến triển thông qua vật lý trị liệu, cha mẹ anh không nghĩ rằng anh có thể hưởng lợi từ việc học hành.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 29:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 29:

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Đáp án:

enrolling (v): đăng ký                                    

admitting (v): chấp nhận        

joining in (v): tham gia                      

taking (v): cầm

=> In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try enrolling him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School.

Tạm dịch: Vào tháng 6 năm 2014, “Chương trình Hỗ trợ Người khuyết tật” đã làm việc với ban lãnh đạo xã để thuyết phục cha mẹ của Thọ thử đăng ký cho anh ấy ở trường tiểu học Phạm Hồng Thái gần đó

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 30:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 30:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

road (n): đường                                  

movement (n): chuyển động  

step (n): bước                                     

access (n): quyền, cơ hội

=> As part of its broader effort to expand access to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies.

Tạm dịch: Là một phần trong nỗ lực rộng lớn hơn để mở rộng cơ hội tiếp cận giáo dục cho trẻ em khuyết tật ở trường không đi học, dự án bao gồm học phí của Thọ, trợ cấp bữa ăn, đồng phục, túi đi học và các đồ dùng học tập khác.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 31:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 31:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

done (v): làm                                      

taken (v): cầm

made (v): tạo ra                                  

been brought (v): được mang

make significant progress: tiến bộ đáng kể

=>After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has made significant progress, …

Tạm dịch: Sau một học kỳ tại trường tiểu học Phạm Hồng Thái, Thọ có tiến bộ đáng kể, …

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 32:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Quesion 32:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Diễn tả một chủ thể thực hiện hai hành động liên tiếp, mang nghĩa chủ động có thể rút gọn một hành động về dạng V-ing

=> passing  his first semester tests as well as his classmates.

Tạm dịch: đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra học kỳ một tốt như các bạn cùng lớp.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 33:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 33:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

environment (n): môi trường                         

habitat (n): môi trường sống

structure (n): cấu trúc                                     

curriculum (n): chương trình giảng dạy

=> The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning environment for him at the school.

Tạm dịch: Dự án đã làm việc với trường để tạo ra một kế hoạch giáo dục cá nhân cho Thọ và đào tạo giáo viên để họ có thể hỗ trợ các nhu cầu đặc biệt của mình trong khi giúp nuôi dưỡng một môi trường học tập khuyến khích cho anh ấy ở trường.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 34:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 34:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Trạng từ: “For more than two years” (khoảng hơn 2 năm)

Công thức: S + have/has + Ved/ V3

=> For more than two years, the project has worked with local government social welfare agencies …

Tạm dịch: Trong hơn hai năm, dự án làm việc với các cơ quan phúc lợi xã hội của chính quyền địa phương

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 35:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - a medical condition (26) ______ from abnormal brain development that affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ______. Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents did not think he could (28) ______ from schooling.        In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29)______ him in nearby Pham Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader effort to expand (30) ______  to education for school – age  children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies. After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ______   significant progress, (32) ______  his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33)  ______ for him at the school.             For more than two years, the project (34) ______  with local government social welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to children with disabilities, (35)     ______ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Question 35:

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

either … or … : hoặc cái này cái kia                         

neither … nor …: không cái gì không cái kia           

both … and … : cả 2                                                  

not only … but also …: không những … mà còn …

=> either by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for students unable to attend school.

Tạm dịch: hoặc bằng cách giúp ghi danh cho trẻ em trong các trường đặc biệt hoặc cung cấp giáo dục thay thế cho học sinh không thể đến trường .

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 36:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Approximately one in two thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvantage. For example, their range of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy. Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth. Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer based software. The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes wait for a significant period of time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student. Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in tutorials may be limited.  Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal exchange will be at a disadvantage.

Question: Student who have been deafened in early childhood can be very diffirent to students who have lost hearing later in life because_____

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Học sinh đã bị điếc ở tuổi ấu thơ có thể rất khác với những học sinh bị mất thính giác muộn trong cuộc đời vì ______.

A. họ có ít bất lợi hơn trong việc học tiếng Anh

B. họ bị mất thính giác quan trọng hơn

C. vốn từ vựng của họ đủ tốt để ảnh hưởng đến trình độ tiếng Anh của họ

D. họ gặp khó khăn hơn trong việc thể hiện ý tưởng của họ

Thông tin: Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth.

=> Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life because they suffer from more difficulty in expressing their ideas

Tạm dịch: Các học sinh khiếm thính và khó nghe có thể đôi khi thích các chiến lược học tập trực quan hơn. Đây có thể là một thách thức trong môi trường nơi mà nhiều thông tin cần thiết được truyền tải độc quyền bằng lời nói.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 37:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Approximately one in two thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvantage. For example, their range of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy. Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth. Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer based software. The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes wait for a significant period of time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student. Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in tutorials may be limited.  Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal exchange will be at a disadvantage.

Question: Assistive technology can help students with a hearing loss ________ .

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Công nghệ hỗ trợ có thể giúp học sinh bị mất thính giác ________.

A. sử dụng phần mềm như Skype để nói chuyện với người phiên dịch

B. hội nhập tốt hơn vào môi trường học tập

C. sử dụng thiết bị nghe và đạt được khả năng nghe của họ

D. cung cấp phụ đề để họ hiểu

Thông tin: Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class.

=> Assistive technology can help students with a hearing loss better integrate into the study environment

Tạm dịch: Học sinh bị điếc có thể cần sử dụng công nghệ hỗ trợ để tham gia lớp học.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 38:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Approximately one in two thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvantage. For example, their range of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy. Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth. Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer based software. The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes wait for a significant period of time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student. Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in tutorials may be limited.  Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal exchange will be at a disadvantage.

Question: All of the following are true according to the text EXCEPT that  ______ .

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Tất cả những điều sau đây là đúng theo văn bản NGOẠI TRỪ mà ______.

A. học sinh khiếm thính thích học trực quan hơn

B. công nghệ hỗ trợ hữu ích cho học sinh khuyết tật theo học

C. học sinh khiếm thính không thể hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của mình trong lớp

D. khả năng nghe có thể ảnh hưởng đến trình độ kỹ năng ngôn ngữ

Thông tin: This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student.

=> All of the following are true according to the text EXCEPT that deaf students can’t complete their tasks in class

Tạm dịch: Điều này cần phải được xem xét trong việc phát triển các mốc thời gian phù hợp để hoàn thành công việc cho mỗi học sinh.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 39:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Approximately one in two thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvantage. For example, their range of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy. Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth. Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer based software. The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes wait for a significant period of time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student. Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in tutorials may be limited.  Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal exchange will be at a disadvantage.

Question: Learning environment can have negative impact on deaf students when ______ .

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Môi trường học tập có thể có tác động tiêu cực đến học sinh khiếm thính khi ______.

A. họ không nhận được sự giúp đỡ từ bạn bè của họ hoặc giao tiếp ít

B. chúng phát triển các mốc thời gian phù hợp để hoàn thành công việc

C. họ không thể nghe thấy sự phiền toái của việc trao đổi nhanh chóng bằng lời nói

D. tương tác trong các hướng dẫn có thể bị hạn chế trong tiếp xúc xã hội.

Thông tin: The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning.

=> Learning environment can have negative impact on deaf students when they get no help from their friends or little communication

Tạm dịch: Khả năng liên lạc xã hội và tương tác với các sinh viên khác thường bị hạn chế, và sự cô lập hoặc tách biệt này có thể có tác động đến việc học tập.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 40:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Approximately one in two thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvantage. For example, their range of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy. Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategies. This can be a challenge in an environment where much essential information is delivered exclusively by word of mouth. Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer based software. The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes wait for a significant period of time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines for the completion of work for each student. Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is often limited, and this isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in tutorials may be limited.  Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal exchange will be at a disadvantage.

Question: The word “timeline” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Từ “timeline” trong đoạn 4 gần nhất có nghĩa là ______.

A. một dòng cho thấy thời gian trong một ngày

B. một kế hoạch mà bao lâu mọi thứ sẽ mất

C. một thời điểm khi điều hoàn thành

D. một thiết bị ghi lại thời gian

=> The word “timeline” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to a plan which how long things will take

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 41:

Choose the best sentence made from the given cues.

Question: I/ strong/advise/you/take/part/volunteer works

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Cấu trúc: S + advise + O + to V

S + advise + (that) + S + (should) + V

take part in: tham gia vào

A. Tôi là lời khuyên mạnh mẽ bạn nên tham gia vào các công việc tình nguyện. => sai nghĩa

B. take part for => kết hợp sai động từ với giới từ

C. adv + V that ; take part in (tham gia) => đúng

D. tobe strong in + V –ing => sai cấu trúc

=> I strongly advise that you should take part in volunteer works.

Tạm dịch: Tôi khuyên bạn nên tham gia vào các công việc tình nguyện.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 42:

Choose the best sentence made from the given cues.

Question: Only when/ general's personal diaries/ publish/ truth/ come out/

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Câu chỉ hành động ở quá khứ nên cả 2 vế chia ở quá khứ đơn.

Đảo ngữ “only when” ở thì quá khứ đơn

Only when + S + V, did + S + V.

=> Only when the general's personal diaries were published did the truth come out.

Tạm dịch: Chỉ khi nhật ký cá nhân của đại tướng được công bố thì sự thật mới sáng tỏ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Câu 43:

Choose the best sentence made from the given cues.

Question: Since/ beginning/ course/ I/ never/ be late/ class/

Xem đáp án

Đáp án:

Trạng từ “since + mốc thời gian” nên động từ chia ở hiện tại hoàn thành

S + have/has + adv +  Ved/ V3

A. had never been => sai thì

B. never have been => sai vị trí trạng từ

C. have never been => đúng

D. Since beginning ; had never been => sai thì, sai cấu trúc

=> Since the beginning of the course I have never been late for class.

Tạm dịch: Từ khi bắt đầu khóa học, tôi chưa bao giờ đến lớp trễ.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 44:

Choose the best sentence made from the given cues.

Question: Be/ doctor/ she/ know/ what/ side-effects/ medicine/ have/

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Đáp án:

Khi 2 vế của câu đồng chủ ngữ thì ta rút động từ mang nghĩa chủ động ở vế đầu về dạng “ V – ing”

Câu diễn ra hành động ở quá khứ nên động từ 2 vế đều ở quá khứ đơn.

=> Being a doctor, she knew what side-effects the medicine could have.

Tạm dịch: Là một bác sĩ, cô ấy biết những tác dụng phụ mà thuốc có thể có.

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 45:

Choose the best sentence made from the given cues.

Question: young people/ fed/ queue/ unemployment benefit

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Đáp án:

Cụm từ “tobe fed up with + V – ing”: chán ngán làm gì

Đáp án B “the young people” không chọn được vì chỉ một nhóm người trẻ xác định. Còn “young people” chỉ những thanh niên/ người trẻ nói chung.

=> Young people are fed up with queuing for their unemployment benefit.

Tạm dịch: Giới trẻ chán ngán với việc xếp hàng chờ trợ cấp thất nghiệp.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 46:

Error Identification.

Question: When I was sick with(A)the flu(B), my mother made me to eat(C)soup and rest in(D)bed

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Đáp án:

When I was sick with (A) the flu (B),  my mother made me to eat  (C) soup and rest in (D) bed.

make sb V: bắt ai làm gì

to eat => eat

=> When I was sick with the flu, my mother made me eat soup and rest in bed.

Tạm dịch: Khi tôi bị bệnh cúm, mẹ tôi đã bắt tôi ăn súp và nghỉ ngơi trong giường.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 47:

Error Identification.

Question: Having lived (A) here for (B) seven years, my friend is used to speak (C) English with all her (D) classmates.

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Đáp án:

Having lived (A) here for (B) seven years, my friend is used to speak (C) English with all her (D) classmates.

“be used to + V – ing”: quen với việc làm gì

speak => speaking

=> Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speaking English with all her classmates.

Tạm dịch: Đã sống ở đây trong bảy năm, bạn tôi quen nói tiếng Anh với tất cả bạn cùng lớp.

Đáp án cần chọn là: C

Câu 48:

Error Identification.

Question: To grow (A) well, a tree must be (B) well-suited (C) to the area where is it (D) planted.

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Đáp án:

To grow (A) well, a tree must be (B) well-suited (C) to the area where is it (D) planted.

Khi vấn từ đặt ở giữa câu, ta không dùng đảo ngữ

Công thức: where + S + V

is it => it is

=> To grow well, a tree must be  well-suited to the area where it is  planted.

Tạm dịch: Để phát triển tốt, một cây phải được rất phù hợp đến khu vực mà nó được trồng.

Đáp án cần chọn là: D

Câu 49:

Error Identification.

Question: Despite (A) modern medical technology, many diseases causing (B) by viruses are still (C) not (D) curable.

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Đáp án:

Despite (A) modern medical technology, many diseases causing (B) by viruses are still (C) not (D) curable.

“Many diseases” (nhiều bệnh tật) chịu sự tác động của “viruses” (vi rút) nên ta để ở thể bị động

Trong câu xuất hiện 2 động từ => dấu hiệu của rút gọn mệnh đề

Dạng đầy đủ “which are caused”

=> dạng rút gọn “caused”

causing => caused

=> Despite modern medical technology, many diseases caused by viruses are still not curable.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù công nghệ y học hiện đại, nhiều bệnh gây ra do vi rút vẫn còn không chữa được

Đáp án cần chọn là: B

Câu 50:

Error Identification.

Question: We should have been informed (A) Janis about (B) the change in plans regarding (C) our weekend trip (D) to the mountains.

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Đáp án:

We should have been informed (A) Janis about (B) the change in plans regarding (C) our weekend trip (D) to the mountains.

Chủ ngữ là “we” thực hiện được hành động “inform” (thông báo) nên chia động từ ở dạng chủ động

should + have + Ved/ V3: lẽ ra đã nên làm gì

have been informed => have informed

=> We should have informed Janis about the change in plans regarding our weekend trip to the mountains.

Tạm dịch: Chúng ta lẽ ra đã nên thông báo với Janis về sự thay đổi trong kế hoạch liên quan đến chuyến đi cuối tuần của chúng tôi đến các ngọn núi.

Đáp án cần chọn là: A

Bắt đầu thi ngay

Có thể bạn quan tâm

Các bài thi hot trong chương