Thứ bảy, 20/04/2024

30 đề thi thử đề thi thử THPTQG môn Tiếng Anh có lời giải chi tiết (Đề số 3)

  • 153301 lượt thi

  • 52 câu hỏi

  • 60 phút

Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

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Chọn C                                 Đọc là âm câm, còn lại đọc là âm [f]

Câu 2:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


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Chọn B                                 Đọc là âm [ei], còn lại đọc là âm [i:]

Câu 3:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

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Chọn B                                 Trọng âm nhấn số 1, còn lại nhấn âm số 2.

Câu 4:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on you answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

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Chọn D                                 Trọng âm nhấn âm số 2, còn lại nhấn âm số 1

  A. /ˈmin.ər.əl/            B. /ˈӕɡ.ə.ni/

  C. /ˈek.spə.ɡeɪt/         D. /diˈspəʊ.zəl/

Câu 5:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Such approaches should be supported and mainstreamed in health interventions in order to____________positive behavior change.

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Chọn C                                 Câu đề bài: Cách tiếp cận như vậy nên được ủng hộ và trở nên phổ biến trong các can thiệp y tế để mà thay đổi hành vi mang tính tích cực.

  A. put off: trì hoãn                                       B. set off: bắt đầu, khởi hành

  C. bring about: dẫn đến, gây ra                     D. hold up: trì hoãn

Câu 6:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

While it is difficult for some people to change unhealthy habits, there are__________for exercising frequently and eating fewer fatty foods.

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Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Trong khi nó khó khăn cho một vài người để thay đổi những thói quen không tốt cho sức khỏe, có những _________ cho việc tập thể dục thưởng xuyên và ăn ít thực phẩm giàu chất béo.

There are + N số nhiều và much + N không đếm được.

Câu 7:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

There are lots of other situations in life when it is vital to be able to make _______promises.

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Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Có rất nhiều những tình huống khác nhau trong cuộc sống khi việc có khả năng đưa ra lởi hứa là rất quan trọng.

  A. creditable (adj): đáng khen                       B. credible (adj): đáng tin cậy

  C. credential (n): chứng chỉ                                                            D. credulous (adj): dễ tin, cả tin

Câu 8:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

- Tina is still looking for a decent flat.

                   - How long__________?

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Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: “Tina vẫn đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ phù hợp. ” - “Cô ấy tìm được bao lâu rồi?”

Việc Tina tìm kiếm đã diễn ra trong quá khứ, đang tiếp diễn ở hiện tại và sẽ còn tiếp tục ở tương lai nên ta dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn.

Câu 9:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Administration will start by improving the executive-legislature relationship so as to set a good_______for members of the public

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Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Quản trị sẽ bắt đầu bằng việc cải tiến mối quan hệ điều hành - lập pháp để thiết lập _________  tốt cho các thành viên của cộng đồng.

  A. model (n.): mô hình, kiểu mẫu                 B. guidance (n.): hướng dẫn

  C. form (n.): hình thức                                                                   D. pattern (n.): mẫu

Câu 10:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

You know that eating fruit as a snack is_______healthier for us than eating chips, yet_______of us actually do so.

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Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Ta biết rằnợ ăn trái cây cho bữa ăn nhẹ là _________tốt hơn cho chúng ta hơn là ăn khoai tây chiên, nhưng _________ trong số chúng ta thực sự làm như vậy.

Ở chỗ trống thứ nhất là bổ trợ cho so sánh hơn kém, ta chỉ cần thêm “much” phía trước, ở chỗ thứ 2 để thể hiện sự tương phản nên ta dùng few chứ không phải some hay most.

Câu 11:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

They were travelling on the same train so they_________. But, of course, we don’t know if they did.

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Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Họ đang đi trên cùng một chuyến tàu vì vậy họ _________.Nhưng, dĩ nhiên rồi, chúng ta không biết liệu họ có đã làm vậy hay không.

May/ might + V:  có thể làm gì, việc gì có thể xảy ra;

May/ might + have V-ed/III: việc gì có thể đã xảy ra.

 Ở đây việc họ gặp nhau là có thể đã xảy ra trong quá khứ bởi họ đã đi chung một chuyến tàu.

Câu 12:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The latest ratings have aroused claims that reality television shows are on their last______.

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Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Xếp hạng mới nhất đã làm dấy lên những tuyên bố rằng chương trình truyền hình thực tế đang _________ .

  A. legs (n.): chân                                         B. resort (n.): nơi nghỉ dưỡng

  C. breath (n.): hơi thở                                   D. gasp (n.): giật mình

To be on one's last legs: near the end of life, usefulness, or existence  sắp tàn, sắp ket thúc. _

Câu 13:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He said the men took him to a forest and threatened to kill him but he convinced them to let him go in________for the car.

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Chọn C                                 Câu đề bài: Anh ta nói người đàn ông đưa anh ta đến một khu rừng và hăm dọa giết anh ta nhưng anh ta thuyết phục chúng để anh ta đi để _________ cho chiếc xe.

  A. change (v.): thay đổi                                                                 B. chance (a): cơ hội

  C. exchange (a): trao đổi, giao dịch               D. compensation (a): đền bù

In exchange for something: trao đổi lấy cái gì.

Câu 14:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Simon crept into the house very quickly         _____his parents would not notice how late he was.

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Chọn C                                 Câu đề bài: Simon len lỏi vào ngôi nhà rất nhanh _________ bố mẹ anh ta sẽ KHÔNG đế ý anh ta về trễ đến mức nào. .

  A. in case: trong trường hợp                                                          B. if: nếu, liệu

  C. in order that = so that: để                                                           D. for fear that: vì sợ rằng

Câu 15:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

I can't meet you right now. I_______at the moment.

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Chọn B                                 Câu đề bài: Tôi không thể gặp bạn ngay bây giờ được. Tôi _________ ngay tại lúc này.

At the moment   câu tiếp diễn

To have a car serviced: mang xe đi bảo trì.

Câu 16:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

When I first started there were a number of pupils outside of lessons playing_______.

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Chọn A                                 Câu đề bài: Khi tôi mới bắt đầu có một số học sinh bên ngoài giờ học _________.

  A. truant (adj): trốn học                                                                    B. absent (adj): vắng mặt

  C. joyride (n.): chuyến đi xe liều lĩnh            D. runaway (n.): chạy trốn

To play truant:  trốn học, bỏ học

To be absent: vắng mặt.

Câu 17:

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

: A: I think people nowadays prefer instant messaging and social networking to emails.


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                                 Câu đề bài: Tói nghĩ mọi người ngày nay thích nhắn tin và kết nối mạng xã hội hơn so với thư điện tử.

Đáp án B: Đúng đó.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Tôi không thích thư điện tử.

C. Tôi muốn nhắn tin văn bản hơn.

D. Vậy là được rồi

Câu 18:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

A: Do you like using a desktop computer or laptop?


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                               Câu đề bài: Bạn thích sử dụng máy tính để bàn hay máy tính xách tay?

 Đáp án D: Tôi thích cái gì đó có thể đem đi đem lại được.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Có chứ, tôi rất thích

B. Tôi rất đồng ý

C.  Không, tôi không có lựa chọn gì.

Câu 19:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

The warning was ignored. It was given to the players about their behavior on the pitch.

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                                Câu đề bài: Cảnh báo đã bị bỏ qua. Nó đã được trao cho các cầu thủ về hành vi của họ trên sân cỏ.

Đáp án A. Các cảnh báo cho các cầu thủ về hành vi của họ trên sân cỏ đã bị bỏ qua.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Cảnh báo đã bị bỏ qua cho các cầu thủ về hành vi của họ trên sân cỏ.

C. Cảnh báo được trao cho người chơi về hành vi trên sân của họ đã bị bỏ qua.

D. Cảnh báo cho người chơi về hành vi trên sân của họ đã bị bỏ qua.

Câu 20:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

You will have to tell him about it in the end. The longer you put off doing so,

the harder it’s going to be.

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                                Câu đề bài: Bạn sẽ phải nói với anh ta về nó vào lúc cuối cùng thôi. Bạn càng để lâu thì càng khó thực hiện hơn.

Đáp án D: Anh ta sẽ phải được thông báo về điều đó, và càng sớm càng tốt.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Chắc chắn là tốt hơn khi để anh ta biết bây giờ hơn là chờ đợi tới khi anh ta tìm ra.

B. Bạn không bao giở có thể giữ bí mật cái gì trong một thởi gian dài, vì vậy tốt nhất là nói với anh ta thật sớm.

C.  Bạn không thể giữ anh ta trong bóng tối về nó mãi mãi được, và nói với anh ta sẽ khó khăn hơn khi bạn càng chờ đợi.

Câu 21:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.

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                                 Câu đề bài: Ấn tượng về bộ phim, nhưng chúng tôi cảm thấy nó khá là đắt.

 Đáp án C: Chúng tôi rất ấn tượng về bộ phim, nhưng cảm thấy nó khá là đắt.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Chúng tôi không ấn tượng bởi bộ phim, chúng tôi cảm thấy nó khá là đắt.

B. Chúng tôi không ấn tượng lắm về bộ phim bởi giá của nó.

D. Bộ phim đắt hơn mong đợi của chúng tôi.

Câu 22:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell anyone that he had been in the prison.

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                              Câu đề bài: Nhân viên nhân sự đã hứa với anh ấy rằng cô ấy sẽ không nói với bất kì ai rằng anh ấy đã từng vào tù.

Đáp án D: Nhân viên nhân sự hứa nghiêm túc với anh ta rằng cô ấy sẽ không nói với bất kì ai rằng anh ta đã từng vào tù.

Give someone one’s word: hứa nghiêm túc với ai đó

Câu 23:


* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

“I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?”


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                                Câu đề bài: “Tôi tự hỏi liệu bạn có thể mở cửa cho tôi không nhỉ?”

Đáp án C: Bạn có phiền mở cửa cho tôi không?

Các đáp án khác:

A. Liệu bạn có thể mở cửa cho tôi, tôi tự hỏi.

B. Có thể cho tôi mở cửa cho bạn hay không?

D. Tôi đề nghị bạn mở cửa.

Câu 24:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

Weather forecasting

  Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic.

  Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood.

  For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised.

  So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere.

  In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres.

  Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes.

  Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land.

  One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

The weather system affects people’s lives in Britain____________.

Xem đáp án

                              Hệ thống thời tiết có ảnh hưởng đến những người sống ở Anh quốc.

Đáp án A: Mặc dù khá ôn hòa.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Bởi vì nó có thể thay đổi

C. Bởi vì trời luôn mưa

D. Mặc dù rất mùa vụ

Thông tin trong bài:

Yet even in Britain which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic.

 Mặc dầu vậy, ở Anh, nơi có khí hậu không quá là khắc nghiệt, đất nước vẫn bị ngự trị bởi thời tiết. Nếu như trời đang mưa thì người Anh có thể sẽ ở nhà hoặc đi rạp chiếu phim; nếu trời đẹp họ sẽ đi picnic.

25       D         Người viết có ý gì qua cụm từ ‘làm khó ai’ 

Câu 25:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30.

Weather forecasting

  Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic.

  Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood.

  For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised.

  So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere.

  In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres.

  Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes.

  Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land.

  One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

The weather system affects people’s lives in Britain____________.

Xem đáp án

                                 Hệ thống thời tiết có ảnh hưởng đến những người sống ở Anh quốc.

Đáp án A: Mặc dù khá ôn hòa.

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Bởi vì nó có thể thay đổi

C. Bởi vì trời luôn mưa

D. Mặc dù rất mùa vụ

Thông tin trong bài:

Yet even in Britain which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic.

 Mặc dầu vậy, ở Anh, nơi có khí hậu không quá là khắc nghiệt, đất nước vẫn bị ngự trị bởi thời tiết. Nếu như trời đang mưa thì người Anh có thể sẽ ở nhà hoặc đi rạp chiếu phim; nếu trời đẹp họ sẽ đi picnic.

25       D         Người viết có ý gì qua cụm từ ‘làm khó ai’ 

Câu 26:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

What does the writer mean by the phrase “catches them on the hop” in paragraph 3?

Xem đáp án

                               Người viết có ý gì qua cụm từ ‘làm khó ai’ trong đoạn văn số 3?

Đáp án D: Mọi người không chuẩn bị.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Mọi người chạy tìm chỗ trốn.

B. Mọi người quá bận để chú ý.

C. Mọi người ở xa nhà.

To catch somebody on the hop = to do something when someone is not ready and not able to deal with it.

Thông tin trong bài:

For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet.

 Đổi với các cả nhân, điều tệ nhất mà thưởng cỏ thể diễn ra nếu như thởi tiết làm khó họ đó là họ bị ướt.

Câu 27:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

What does the writer mean by the phrase “catches them on the hop” in paragraph 3?

Xem đáp án

                                 Người viết có ý gì qua cụm từ ‘làm khó ai’ trong đoạn văn số 3?

Đáp án D: Mọi người không chuẩn bị.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Mọi người chạy tìm chỗ trốn.

B. Mọi người quá bận để chú ý.

C. Mọi người ở xa nhà.

To catch somebody on the hop = to do something when someone is not ready and not able to deal with it.

Thông tin trong bài:

For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet.

 Đổi với các cả nhân, điều tệ nhất mà thưởng cỏ thể diễn ra nếu như thởi tiết làm khó họ đó là họ bị ướt.

Câu 28:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

Why does the writer list so many different businesses in paragraph 3?

Xem đáp án

                                Câu đề bài: Tại sao người viết liệt kê rất nhiều doanh nghiệp khác nhau trong đoạn số 3?

Đáp án B: để thể hiện mức độ ảnh hưởng của thởi tiết

Các đáp án khác:

A. để đưa ra ví dụ về cuộc sống của người thường,

C. để mô tả những tác động gần đây của thời tiết xấu.

D. để giải thích cách con người quản lí trong thời tiết xấu.

Thông tin trong bài:

Ta thấy tác giả nêu ra lần lượt những ảnh hưởng của thời tiết lên các ngành nghề  Mức độ ảnh hưởng của thời tiết.

For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised.

Câu 29:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

Why is the first weather satellite described as a “minor revolution” in paragraph 4?

Xem đáp án

                                 Câu đề bài: Tại sao vệ tinh thời tiết đầu tiên được mô tả là "cuộc cách mạng nhỏ ” trong đoạn số 4?

Đáp án B: Nó thay thế người quan sát.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Nó theo dõi các nhà quan sát.

c. Nó cung cấp dự báo bổ sung.

D. Nó dự báo thời tiết trong không gian.

Thông tin trong bài:

... the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting, up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems.

... Vệ tinh thời tiết đầu tiên được phóng vào không gian gần 40 năm trước và là một cuộc cách mạng nhỏ trong khoa học dự đoán. Cho đến khi đó, các nhà dự đoán chỉ dựa vào các nhà quan sát để cung cấp các chi tiết để phát triển các hệ thống thởi tiết.

Câu 30:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

Using airplanes to help forecast the weather is____________.

Xem đáp án

                                Câu đề bài: Sử dụng máy bay để giúp dự báo thời tiết là .

Đáp án D: không lí tưởng

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. rất phổ biến

B. không đắt lắm.

C. khá mới mẻ

Thông tin trong bài:

Some commercial aircraft can also he fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, hut little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes.

  Một vài máy bay thương mại cũng có thể được thêm vào với một chuỗi những dụng cụ dự báo mặc dù hệ thống nảy cũng có những nhược điểm nhất định. Ví dụ, nó có thể cung cấp rất nhiều thông tin về thời tiết ở những địa điểm phổ biến, như London hay New York, nhưng ta lại ít biết về thời tiết ở những tuyến đường không đi thẳng.

  Nói chung là không lỉ tưởng.

Câu 31:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

What does ‘it’ in paragraph 6 refer to?


Xem đáp án

C                                 Câu đề bài: “Nó ” trong đoạn 6 là gì?

Đáp án C: sử dụng phi cơ

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. sử dụng bóng bay

B. sừ dụng vệ tinh

D. sử dụng tàu

 Thông tin trong bài:

Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes.

 Một vài máy bay thương mại cũng có thể được thêm vào với một chuỗi những dụng cụ dự báo mặc dù hệ thống nảy cũng có những nhược điểm nhất định. Ví dụ, nó có thể cung cấp rất nhiều thông tin về thời tiết ở những địa điểm phổ biến, như London hay New York, nhưng ta lại ít biết về thời tiết ở những tuyến đường không đi thẳng.

 Nó = sử dung máy bay  cung cấp thông tin.

Câu 32:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 24 to 30. Weather forecasting Cyclones in India, hurricanes in the Caribbean - severe weather events make news headlines almost weekly. Yet even in Britain, which has comparatively few climate extremes, the country is still governed by weather. If it’s pouring with rain the British might stay indoors or go to the cinema; if it’s fine they’ll have a picnic. Most people nervously study the weather forecast the evening before if they’ve got an important appointment the following day. Even if they have nothing planned, the weather often affects their mood. For individuals, the worst that can usually happen if the weather catches them on the hop is that they get wet. For business, the effects are far more serious. Airlines and shipping companies need to avoid severe weather and storm-force conditions. Power companies need to make sure they can supply the demand for electricity in cold weather; farmers plan their harvests around the forecast and food manufacturers increase their production of salads and other summer foods when fine weather is promised. So who or what do meteorologists - weather forecasters as they are more commonly known - rely on when it comes to producing a forecast? Ninety percent of the information comes from weather satellites, the first of which was launched into space nearly forty years ago and was a minor revolution in the science of forecasting. Up until then, forecasters had relied on human observers to provide details of developing weather systems. As a result, many parts of the world where there were few humans around, especially the oceans, were information-free weather areas. Today, however, satellites can watch weather patterns developing everywhere. In the UK meteorologists have also relied on releasing four weather balloons a day from eight fixed sites. These balloons measure wind, temperature and humidity as they rise upwards to a height of about 26,000 metres. Some commercial aircraft can also be fitted with a range of forecasting instruments although this system has certain disadvantages. For example, it can provide a great deal of information about the weather on popular routes, such as London to New York, but little about the weather on more out-of-the way routes. Instruments aboard ships can also supply basic weather information as well as important data on wave height. Generally, the range of these instruments is fairly limited but they can indicate which direction rain is coming from, how low the cloud is and give an idea of when the weather system will reach land. One forecaster who has made a name for himself is a man called Piers Corbyn, who bases his forecasts on watching the Sun. Most forecasters will offer forecasts for only 10 days ahead, but Corbyn’s forecasts are for 11 months. Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn’s forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

Corbyn’s forecasts using the Sun are considered____________. 

Xem đáp án

                                 Câu đề bài: Dư báo của Corbyn sử dụng mặt trời được xem là _________.

Đáp án D: hữu ích bởi một số người

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. vô dụng và không khoa học

B. có lợi nhưng ngắn hạn

C. không có lợi trong dài hạn

Thông tin trong hài:

Although most meteorologists believe that there is no scientific basis for his work, Corbyn's forecasts are used by insurance companies who want to plan months in advance.

Mặc dù hầu hết các nhà chiêm tinh học đều tin rằng không hề có cơ sở khoa học cho nghiên cứu của ông ta, những dự đoán của Corbyn được sử dụng bởi các công ti bảo hiểm mà muốn lên kế hoạch trước hàng tháng trời.

Câu 33:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


  It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (31)_________to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (32)_________criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, (33)__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (34) _________their suggestions very carefully. There’re many movie stars who were once out of work. There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (35)_________. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere

and stay positive.

Điền vào số 31

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 To make up one's mind = to make a decision: đưa ra quyết định.

Brain (n.): trí não;

Thought (n.): suy nghĩ;

Idea (n.): ý tưởng.

If you’ve made up your mind to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target ...

 Nếu bạn đã quyết định hoàn thành một mục tiêu nào đó, như viết tiểu thuyết chẳng hạn, đừng để những chỉ trích tiêu cực từ người khác ngăn bạn khỏi việc đạt được mục tiêu của mình...

Câu 34:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35. CRITICISM It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (31)_________to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (32)_________criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, (33)__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (34) _________their suggestions very carefully. There’re many movie stars who were once out of work. There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (35)_________. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive.

Điền vào số 32

Xem đáp án

A                                 Constructive criticism: lời phê bình/ chỉ trích mang tính xây dựng.

Hostile (adj.): thù địch, không thân thiện;

General (adj.): chung chung, toàn thể;

Constant (adj.): liên tục, liên tiếp.

 ... don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work.

  ... đừng để những lời chỉ trích tiêu cực từ người khác ngăn bạn khỏi việc đạt được mục tiêu của mình, và hãy để những lời phê bình mang tính xây dựng đem đến những ảnh hưởng tích cực cho công việc của bạn.

Câu 35:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35. CRITICISM It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (31)_________to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (32)_________criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, (33)__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (34) _________their suggestions very carefully. There’re many movie stars who were once out of work. There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (35)_________. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive.

Điền vào số 33

Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                                                   However: Tuy nhiên;   Therefore: Do đó;

  Hence: Vì vậy;                                             Whatever: Bất cứ cái gì.

If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If however, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so...

 Nếu ai đó nói bạn đang hoàn toàn thiếu tài năng, hãy mặc kệ họ. Đó là những lời phê bình tiêu cực. Tuy nhiên, nếu ai đó khuyên bạn nên xem lại công việc của mình và cho bạn lí do đúng đắn để làm như vậy,..

Câu 36:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35. CRITICISM It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (31)_________to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (32)_________criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, (33)__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (34) _________their suggestions very carefully. There’re many movie stars who were once out of work. There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (35)_________. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive.

Điền vào số 34

Xem đáp án

Chọn B                                 To think of/ about something: nghĩ về cái gì;

To consider (doing) something: xem xét làm việc gì;

To look round: nhìn xung quanh;

To take something: lấy, nhận cái gì.

If, however, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should consider their suggestions very carefully.

 Tuy nhiên, nếu ai đó khuyên bạn nên xem lại công việc của mình và cho bạn lí do đúng đắn để làm như vậy, bạn nên xem xét đề nghị của họ thật cẩn thận.

Câu 37:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best Jits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35. CRITICISM It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (31)_________to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (32)_________criticism have a positive effect on your work. If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If, (33)__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (34) _________their suggestions very carefully. There’re many movie stars who were once out of work. There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published. Being successful does depend on luck, to a (35)_________. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive.

Điền vào số 36

Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                 To a certain extent: đến một múc độ nào đó;

Certain exception: ngoại lệ nào đó;

Level: mức độ;

Definite range: một phạm vi nhất định.

Being successful does depend on luck, to a certain extent. But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive.

Thành công tất nhiên có phụ thuộc vào may mắn đến một mức độ nào đó. Nhưng mọi thứ thường dễ giải quyết hơn nếu như bạn quyết tâm và giữ thái độ tích cực.

Câu 38:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

 Over time, the wind has eroded the landscape and converted the slate rocks 

into small fragments.

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Theo thời gian, gió đã làm xói mòn phong cảnh và biến đổi đá phiền thành những vụn nhỏ.

To eat away at something:  erode or destroy gradually: làm xói mòn hay phá hủy dần dần.

To wear away: làm mòn đi, mỏng đi;

To consolidate (v.): củng cố;

Câu 39:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

My sisters will all tell you that when I was in charge I was such a real slave driver.

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Tất cả những người chị của tôi sẽ bảo với bạn rằng khi tôi là người phụ trách, tôi thật sự giống một người cai nô.

A slave driver: a person who makes others work very hard.

A. làm việc rất chăm chỉ

B. là nô lệ của công việc

C. bắt người khác phải làm việc rất chăm chỉ

D. làm thêm giở

Câu 40:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

He sees that she’s talented, that she's a special person trying to escape her dead - end life.

Xem đáp án

Chọn A                                 Anh ta thấy rằng cô ấy là người có tài năng, rằng cô ấy là một người đặc biệt đang cố gắng thoát ra khỏi cuộc sống bế tắc của mình.

Dead-end (adj.): ngõ cụt, bế tắc >><< fascinating (adj,): hấp dẫn, say mê.

Monotonous (adj.): đơn điệu, nhàm chán;

Demanding (adj.): đòi hỏi;

Boring (adj.): nhàm chán.

Câu 41:

* Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

The ultimate aim of understanding deformation processes is to incorporate them into interpretations of earth theology.

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Mục tiêu cuối cùng của việc hiểu được quá trình biến dạng là kết hợp chúng vào việc diễn giải thần học trái đất.

Ultimate (adj.): tối hậu, cuối cùng.

Immediate (adj.): ngay lập tức;

Utmost (adj.): hết sức, vô cùng.

Trivial (adj.): nhỏ nhặt, không quan trọng;

Tremendous (adj.): to lớn, phi thường.

Câu 42:

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Lots of the world’s oil comes from the Middle East, and Venezuela and the United States also produce oil,

Xem đáp án

Chọn D                                 Rất nhiều dầu trên thế giới là đến từ khu vực Trung Đông, và Venezuela và Mĩ cũng có dầu.

Dầu ở đây là tài nguyên thiên nhiên, không phải do sản xuất ra nên ta không dùng động từ “produce”.

Thay bằng: have/ provide oil.

Câu 43:

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Naturalists say that there is evidence to support the assertion that anthropoids, whether in captive or in the native state, sometimes beat their breasts.

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Các nhà tự nhiên học nói rằng có chứng cứ chứng minh nhận định cho rằng con người, cho dù ở trạng thái bị giam giữ hay tự nhiên thì đều đôi khi sẽ tự đánh vào ngực mình.

  Cấu trúc song song giữa captive và native State.

Thay bằng: in the captive (state).

Câu 44:


*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise, he had found another way out.

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Anh ta đã rất vội vàng và không có thời gian để suy nghĩ kĩ về nó. Nếu không, anh ta đã có thể tìm ra một cách khác để ra ngoài rồi.

Otherwise: Nếu không = Unless, if... not.

 Đây là câu giả định về quá khứ nên ta để cấu trúc “would have done something”.

Thay bằng: would have found.

Câu 45:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.

  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

 Why didn't early bicycles look much like today's models?

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ChọnA                                 Tại sao xe đạp buổi đầu không giống với mẫu mã ngày nay?

A. Các bánh xe không cùng kích cỡ.

B. Chúng chỉ có 1 bánh xe.

C. Chúng được làm bằng gỗ.

D. Chúng có động cơ.

Thông tin trong bài: The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals ...

Những mẫu mã buổi đầu không trông giống xe đạp ngày nay lắm. Bánh xe trước lớn hơn nhiều bánh sau, và cũng không hề có bàn đạp ...

Câu 46:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.


  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

The highlighted word "attributed" is closest in meaning to__________.

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Chọn C                                 Từ “attributed = quy cho, gán cho” gần nghĩa nhất với _________ .

  A. từ chối                                                    B. chiết khấu, giảm giá

  C. công nhận                                               D. để ý

Thông tin trong bài:

Thnuữh the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo...

Mặc dù mẫu xe sớm nhất đến từ một bản phác họa từ năm 1534 và được cho là từ Gian Giacomo ...

Câu 47:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.

  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

Which of the following is FALSE?

Xem đáp án

Chọn C                                 Câu nào dưới đây là sai?

Đáp án C: có hơn 90% xe đạp trên thế giới là của Châu Phi.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Đạp xe đã bị cấm ở Thượng Hải, Trung Quốc năm 2003

B. Hiện nay có khoảng một tỉ xe đạp trên toàn thế giới

There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world

D. Khoảng 20% xe đạp trên thế giới là ở Trung Quốc

There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million):

Trên thế giới hiện có khoảng 1 tỉ chiếc xe đạp, trong đó Trung Quốc có khoảng 200 triệu chiếc vậy là Trung Quốc chiếm khoảng 20%.

Thông tin trong bài:

In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003:

Ở Trung Quốc, nơi mà nổi tiếng có số lượng lớn xe đạp (khoảng 200 triệu), các cơ quan chúc năng của thành phố Thượng Hải thậm chí còn cấm đạp xe trong một khoảng thời gian năm 2003.

Câu 48:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.

  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

According to experts, which of the following is NOT an explanation for the recent increase in bicycle use in London?

Xem đáp án

                                 Theo các chuyên gia, điều nào sau đây không giải thích cho sự gia tăng gần đây về lượng sử dụng xe đạp ở Luân Đôn?

Đáp án B: mọi người có nhiều tiền hơn, vì vậy họ có thể mua được những xe đạp tốt.

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Mọi người muốn giữ cho phù hợp.

C. Đi du lịch bằng xe hơi thường chậm hơn là bằng xe đạp

D. Đạp xe bảo vệ môi trường

Thông tin trong bài:

Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car:

 Các chuyên gia nói rằng có một hỗn hợp của các lí do cho sự bùng nổ này: mối quan tâm về môi trường, mong muốn giữ cho phù hợp, và cũng là một thực tế là đi xe đạp thường không chỉ rẻ hơn mà còn nhanh hơn so với đi du lịch bằng xe hơi.

Câu 49:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.

  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

In the Netherlands, what percentage of journeys are made by bicycle?

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                                 Ở nước Hà Lan, bao nhiêu phần trăm của hành trình được thực hiện bằng xe đạp?

Đáp án A: Hơn 25%

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. 5-10%                                                       C. 25%                         D. ít hơn 5%

Thông tin trong bài:

Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%:

  Xe đạp được sử dụng chỉ chiếm 2% trong các chuyến đi ở Anh, trong khi đó ở Hà Lan lại ấn tượng khi chiếm tới 27%

Câu 50:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.


  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

What was Lance Armstrong’s amazing achievement?

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                                 Thành tích tuyệt vời của Lance Armstrong là gì?

Đáp án B: Chiến thắng Tour de France 7 lần

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. Đạp xe liên tục trong 3 tuần lễ.

C. Đạp xe đi làm mỗi ngày trong 20 năm.

D. đạp xe vòng quanh thế giới.

Thông tin trong bài:

Lance Amstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005:

 Lance Amstrong thắng cuộc đua Tour-de-France hàng năm từ 1999 đến 2005, tức là 7 năm liền.

Câu 51:


* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.


  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

The highlighted word “it” in paragraph 6 refers to__________.

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                               Câu đề bài: Từ “nó” trong đoạn 6 đề cập đến _________ .

Đáp án C: the race: cuộc đua

Các đáp án còn lại:

A. cycling: đạp xe

B. sport: thể thao

D. the achievement: thành tích

Thông tin trong bài:

American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 — one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of the time:

 Lance Amstrong, người Mĩ, chiến thắng cuộc đua hàng năm từ 1999 đến 2005 - một trong những thành tích thể thao cá nhân vĩ đại nhất mọi thời đại.

Câu 52:

* Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 43 to 50.

  You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for less than two hundred years. Though the earliest comes from a sketch said to be from 1534 and attributed to Gian Giacomo, there are several early but unverified claims for the invention of the modem bicycle. No one is sure who invented this popular two- wheeled machine, but it was probably either the German Karl von Drais, in 1817, or the American W K Clarkson, in 1819. The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today. The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals - riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground. Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s, and in 1879 an Englishman named Henry Lawson had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears, which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

  There are now approximately one billion bicycles in the world - more than twice the total number of cars - and they are the main form of transport in some developing countries. They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world’s cities, and the two forms of transport don't always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously injured in accidents involving cars. Even though bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, most governments don't do much to encourage people to ride rather than drive. In China, which is famous for having a huge number of bicycles (about 200 million), the authorities in the city of Shanghai even banned cycling for a while in 2003.

  Cycling is on the rise is the United Kingdom, and the number of annual journeys made by bike in London has increased 50% over the last five years. Experts say there is a mixture of reasons for this boom: concerns about the environment, the desire to keep fit, and also the fact that cycling is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car.

  However, although one in three British adults owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could. Bikes are used for a mere 2% of journeys in the UK, while the figure for the Netherlands is an impressive 27%.

  Cycling is becoming more popular as a competitive sport, and the most famous race is of course the three-week Tour de France, which takes place every July. American Lance Armstrong won it every year from 1999 to 2005 - one of the greatest individual sporting achievements of all time.

  (Adaptedfrom Handouts for B2, University of Linguistics and International Studies, 2017)

Which can be the best title for the passage?

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                                 Câu nào có thể là tiêu đề hay nhất cho đoạn văn?

Đáp án A: Xe đạp

Các đáp án còn lại:

B. Tour-de-France

C. Phương tiện giao thông tốt nhất

D. Việc phát minh ra xe đạp

 Cả bài đọc nói đến lịch sử xe đạp, số lượng người đi xe đạp ở các nước, cuộc đua xe đạp ...

 Tiêu đề thích hợp nhất là “Xe đạp”.

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