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Câu 3:
What order of large intestine sections are correct starting from the ileum and ending at anus?
Chọn C
Câu 6:
The hormone from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of thyrotropin (TSH) from the pituitary is called………….:
Chọn D
Câu 10:
…………..is a group of symptoms (diarrhea and constipation, abdominal pain, bloating) associated with stress and tension, but without inflammation of the intestine:
Chọn B
Câu 13:
In diabetes mellitus, ……………… insufficiency or ineffectiveness prevents sugar from leaving the blood and entering the body cells, where it is normally used to produce energy:
Chọn C
Câu 15:
The gland with can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland is the ………..:
Chọn D
Câu 17:
……….. is a condition in which there is atrophy of the gastric mucosa with consequent failure of intrinsic factor production and vitamin B12 mal-absorption:
Chọn A
Câu 18:
Thyroxine ( or thyroid hormone ) travels through the bloodstream acting on many target cells to increase………….:
Chọn B
Câu 21:
One of the four stages in medical examination is……..or tapping with a finger:
Chọn B
Câu 23:
A/an _____ is a situation or a sign that suggests a specific treatment should be given:
Chọn D
Câu 24:
_____ is caused by the buildup of sebum and keratin in the pores of the skin:
Chọn A
Câu 27:
He might have leukemia of some sort, or aplastic anemia, but that’s _____ -it would be very unusal:
Chọn D
Câu 28:
The essential tissues of the lung that perform its main funtion are pulmonary _______:
Chọn D
Câu 32:
The muscular contractions that occur all along the digestive tract and which move food along are called _____:
Chọn B
Câu 35:
Pernicious anaemia is lack of mature erythrocytes due to inability to absorb ______ into the bloodstream:
Chọn A