Tổng hợp đề thi thử THPTQG môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án (Đề số 17)

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  • 50 câu hỏi

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Danh sách câu hỏi

Câu 1:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

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Express /ik'spres/

Effort /'efət/

Employ /im'plɔi/

reduce /ri'dju:s/

Câu B trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ1, còn lại rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2.

Chọn B

Câu 2:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

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Preference /'prefrəns/

Attraction /ə'træk∫n/

Advantage /əd'vɑ:ntidʒ/

Infinitive /in'finətiv/

Câu A trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1, còn lại là âm tiết thứ 2.

Chọn A

Câu 3:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest.

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Laughed /lɑ:ft/

Sacrified /'sækrifaisy/

Cooked /kukt/

explained /ik'spleind/

Từ gạch chân trong câu D phát âm / d/còn lại đọc là /t

Chọn D

Câu 4:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest.

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Airports /'eəpɔts/

Ways /weiz/

Questions /'kwest∫ənz/

Pictures /'pikt∫ə[r]z/

Từ gạch chân trong câu A phát âm là /s/còn lại đọc là /z/

Chọn A

Câu 5:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

- Charles. “ Do you fancy going to a movie this evening ? ”

- Lisa. “ ____________”

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Tạm dịch:

Charles“ Bạn có thích đi xem phim tối nay không”. - Lisa “________”

A.   Mình xin lỗi. Mình không biết điều đó

B.   Không sao. Cứ đi đi

C.   Không tệ. Còn bạn

D.   Điều đó thật là tốt

Đáp án D

Câu 6:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

- Duong. “ My first English test was not as good as I expected.”

- Thomas “ __________”

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Tạm dịch:

Duong: “ Bài kiểm tra tiếng anh đầu tiên của tôi không được tốt như tôi mong đợi”

- Thomas  “________”

A.   Chúa ơi!

B.   Thật là tốt

C.   Sẽ ổn thôi. Đừng lo lắng

D.   Đừng lo. Lần sau bạn sẽ làm tốt hơn

Đáp án D

Câu 7:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions

I can’t stand people who treat animals cruelly.

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A.   Gently: lịch sự

B.   Cleverly: thông minh

C.   Reasonably: phải chăng, hợp lý

D.   Brutally: tàn nhẫn

ð Cruelly: độc ác  > < Gently: lịch sự

ð Đáp án A

Tạm dịch: Tôi không thể chịu đựng được những người đối xử tàn nhẫn với động vật.

Câu 8:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions

Many people oppose corporal punishment when educating young children though several of them are naughty.

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A.   Appreciate: đánh giá cao

B.   Agree with: đồng ý

C.   Are in favor of: ủng hộ

D.   Disapprove of: không ủng hộ

ð oppose : phản đối> < Agree with: đồng ý

ð Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Nhiều người phản đối hình phạt về thể xác khi giáo dục trẻ nhỏ mặc dù một vài trẻ em thì khá nghịch ngợm.

Câu 9:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate

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A.   Take off: thành công bất ngờ

B.   Set up: thành lập

C.   Grow well: phát triển tốt

D.   Close down: ngừng kinh doanh

ð flourishing ~ Grow well: phát triển tốt

ð  Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Rất ít doanh nghiệp đang phát triển mạnh trong môi trường kinh tế hiện nay.

Câu 10:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

The people interviewed for the survey were randomly selected.

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A.   Thoughtfully: suy nghĩ thấu đáo, cẩn thận

B.   Carefully: cẩn thận

C.   Indiscriminately: một cách bừa bãi

D.   Carelessly: một cách bất cẩn

ð Randomly ~ Indiscriminately: một cách bừa bãi

Đáp án C

Câu 11:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Many applicants find a job interview__________if they are not well-prepared for it

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 “ find sb/ st + adj”

A.   Impressive: ấn tượng

B.   Stressful: đầy căng thẳng

C.   Threatening: đầy đe dọa

D.   Time-consunming: tốn thời gian

ð Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Nhiều ứng viên thấy một cuộc phỏng vấn công việc căng thẳng nếu họ không chuẩn bị tốt.

Câu 12:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He managed to win the race__________hurting his foot before the race

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“ hurting” là Ving nên loại đáp án C ( vì although + S + V)

Không có “Despite of” => loại đáp án B

Dựa vào nghĩa của câu=> loại đáp án D

ð Đáp án: A

Tạm dịch: Anh ta đã chiến thắng cuộc đua mặc dù bị thương ở chân trước cuộc đua.

Câu 13:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Hardly__________when the argument began.

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“ hardly” đứng đầu câu là câu đảo ngữ

ð Đáp án D

Tạm dịch: anh ấy vừa  đến thì cuộc tranh luận bắt đầu.

Câu 14:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Housework is less tiring and boring thanks to the invention of__________devices

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A.   Environment-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường

B.   Time-consuming: tốn thời gian

C.   Labor-saving: tiết kiệm sức lao động

D.   Pollution- free: không gây ô nhiễm

ð Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Việc nhà ít mệt mỏi và nhàm chán nhờ phát minh ra các thiết bị tiết kiệm lao động.

Câu 15:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

By the end of the 21st century, scientists__________a cure for the common cold

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“By the end of the 21st century” => tương lai hoàn thành

ð Đáp án B

Tạm dịch: Vào cuối thế kỷ 21, các nhà khoa học sẽ tìm ra cách chữa trị cảm lạnh thông thường.

Câu 16:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Last Sunday was __________that we took a drive in the country.

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 S + tobe + so + adj + that + clause

S + tobe + such (a/an) + adj  + N + clause

Đối chiếu vào các đáp án

Đáp án A sai vì “ so + adj” không có thêm danh từ “ day”

Đáp án C sai vì “ a beautiful day” phải dùng “such” chứ không phải “so”

Đáp án D sai vì “ day” là số ít cần có mạo từ “ a”

Đáp án B phù hợp với cấu trúc

Câu 17:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Widespread forest destruction__________in this particular area.

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must have+ past participle: được dùng để diễn tả một việc gì đó trong quá khứ mà người nói gần như biết chắc.=> Đáp án A sai

Could have + past participle: đây là cách nói bạn thừa khả năng để làm việc gì đó nhưng bạn không làm / không thực hiện: .=> Đáp án C sai

Ought to see: phải nhìn

Can be seen: được nhìn thấy

Dựa vào chủ ngữ của câu “ Widerspread forest destruction” ( sự phá rừng trên diện rộng)

=> Đáp án. D

Tạm dịch: Phá hủy rừng trên diện rộng có thể được nhìn thấy trong khu vực đặc biệt này.

Câu 18:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

The greater the demand, __________the price.

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Cấu trúc so sánh kép

The + comparative + S + V + the + comparative + S + V

=> Đáp án D

Tạm dịch: Nhu cầu càng lớn, giá càng cao.

Câu 19:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

After twenty years collecting stamps, Mike__________interested in them.

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A.   sai vì không có “not longer”

B.   sai vì thiếu động từ “tobe”

C.   sai vì “ no  longer” phải đứng sau “tobe”

D.   Đúng

=> Đáp án D

Tạm dịch: Sau hai mươi năm sưu tập tem, Mike không còn hứng thú với chúng nữa.

Câu 20:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He asked me __________.

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Câu trực tiếp khi chuyển sang câu gián tiếp phải lùi thì

ð Đáp án C

Tạm dịch: Anh ấy hỏi tôi đã đợi bao lâu

Câu 21:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

__________ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.

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“ would have got” => câu điều kiện loại 3 => loại đáp án B và C

Dựa vào văn cảnh của câu

ð Đáp án A

Tạm dịch:  Nếu bạn đến sớm hơn mười phút, bạn sẽ có chỗ ngồi tốt hơn.

Câu 22:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

He still hasn’t really__________the death of his mother.

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A.   Recover: bình phục

B.   Got over: vượt qua

C.   Cure: chữa trị

D.   Treat: điều trị, cư xử

ð Đáp án A

Tạm dịch:  Anh ấy vẫn chưa thực sự vượt qua cái chết của mẹ mình.

Câu 28:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

What is the main topic of the passage?

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Chủ đề của đoạn văn là gì?

A.   Số lượng người dùng tiếng anh không phải tiếng mẹ đẻ

B.   Sự ảnh hưởng của người Pháp đối với ngôn ngữ Anh

C.   Sự mở rộng tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ quốc tế

D.   Việc sử dụng Tiếng Anh cho khoa học và công nghệ

Dẫn chứng: Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication." và "Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is English"... ta có thể kết luận được ý chính của bài văn là nói đến sự phát triển của tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ toàn cầu.

=> Đáp án C

Câu 29:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

In the first paragraph, the word "emerged" is closest in meaning to ________

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Trong đoạn đầu tiên, từ " emerged " (nổi lên) có ý nghĩa gần nhất với ____.
A. Xuất hiện
B. Biến mất
C. Thường xuyên 
D. tham gia.

Đáp án A ( appear ~ emerged)

Câu 30:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

In the first paragraph, the word "elements" is closest in meaning to ________ 

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Trong đoạn đầu tiên, từ “elements” (yếu tố) có nghĩa gần nhất với______

A: sự tuyên bố

B: điểm đặc trưng

C: tính tò mò

D: phong tục, tục lệ

Đáp án B ( features ~ elements)

Câu 31:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?

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Khoảng thời gian nào tiếng Anh bắt đầu được sử dụng vượt ra ngoài nước Anh?

A. năm 1066

B. khoảng 1350

C. trước 1600

D. sau 1600

Dẫn chứng: Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work.

Tạm dịch: Cho đến những năm 1600, phần lớn tiếng Anh chỉ được nói ở Anh và không được mở rộng cho đến tận xứ Wales, Scotland hay Ireland. Tuy nhiên, trong suốt hai thế kỷ tiếp theo, tiếng Anh bắt đầu lan rộng trên toàn cầu do kết quả của việc thăm dò, buôn bán (bao gồm buôn bán nô lệ), thuộc địa và công việc truyền giáo.

=> Đáp án D

Câu 32:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world except ____________.

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Theo đoạn văn, tất cả những điều sau đây đã đóng góp vào sự lan rộng của tiếng Anh trên khắp thế giới ngoài_________.

A. Buôn bán nô lệ

B. sự xâm lược của Norman

C. các nhà truyền giáo

D. thuộc địa

Dẫn chứng: English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work

Tạm dịch: tiếng Anh bắt đầu lan rộng trên toàn cầu do kết quả của việc thăm dò, buôn bán (bao gồm buôn bán nô lệ), thuộc địa và công việc truyền giáo.

=> Đáp án B

Câu 33:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

In the second paragraph, the word "stored" is closest in meaning to____________.

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Trong đoạn thứ hai, từ " stored " (lưu trữ) gần nhất có nghĩa là________.

A: mua

B: lưu lại

C: tiêu dùng

D: có giá trị

=> Đáp án B ( saved~ stored)

Câu 34:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion off 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not expanded even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two century, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves of English, speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airport, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

According to the passage, approximately how many non-native users of English are there in the world today ? ____________.

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Theo đoạn văn này, khoảng bao nhiêu người dùng tiếng Anh không phải là người bản xứ đang có mặt trên thế giới ngày nay?

A. một phần tư triệu

B. nửa triệu

C. 350 triệu

D. 700 triệu

Dẫn chứng: Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are nonnative speakers

Tạm dịch: Ngày nay có hơn 700 triệu người dùng tiếng Anh trên thế giới và hơn một nửa trong số này là những người nói không bản ngữ

=> Đáp án C

Dịch bài

Trải qua hơn 600 năm qua, tiếng Anh đó phát triển từ một ngôn ngữ ít người nói trở thành ngôn ngữ chính trong giao tiếp quốc tế. Tiếng Anh ngày nay xuất hiện khoảng năm 1350, với sự kết hợp chặt chẽ nhiều yếu tố của tiếng Pháp sau khi người Norman xâm lược vào năm 1030. Cho đến những năm 1600, tiếng Anh phần lớn chỉ được nói ở nước Anh và thậm chí không được mở rộng đến xứ Wales, Scotland, hoặc Ireland. Tuy nhiên, trong 2 thế kỉ tiếp theo, Tiếng Anh bắt đầu được lan truyền khắp trái đất như là kết quả của sự khám phá; thương mại (bao gồm kinh doanh nô lệ), chiếm lĩnh thuộc địa và truyền giáo. Do đó, những khu vực nhỏ nói tiếng Anh được thành lập và phát triển ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Vì những cộng đồng này tăng nhanh, tiếng Anh dần dần trở thành ngôn ngữ quốc tế cơ bản trong kinh doanh, ngân hàng và ngoại giao. Ngày nay, khoảng 80% dữ liệu thông tin trên hệ thống máy tính toàn thế giới là bằng tiếng Anh. Hơn 2/3 ngành khoa học thế giới viết bằng tiếng Anh và tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ chính trong kĩ thuật, quảng cáo, truyền thông, sân bay và kiểm soát không lưu quốc tế. Ngày nay có hơn 700 triệu người dùng tiếng Anh trên thế giới, và hơn một nửa trong số đó là những người nói tiếng Anh không phải tiếng mẹ đẻ, tạo thành số người sử dụng không phải tiếng mẹ đẻ lớn nhất, hơn bất kì ngôn ngữ nào trên thế giới.

Câu 35:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

Why does the writer mention "John F. Kennedy" in line 3?

Xem đáp án


Tại sao tác giả nhắc John F. Kennedy đến ở dòng thứ 3 ?

A.Ông ta là một trong những người sáng lập nên giải thưởng danh giá.

B. Ông ta là một trong số những cá nhân đạt giải Pulitzer.

C. Ông ta là một trong số những người tham gia tuyển chọn người đạt giải Pulitzer.

D. Ông ta có một số vụ bê bối được ghi lại bởi Joseph Pulitzer.

Dẫn chứng: First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others.

Tạm dịch: Được trao tặng đầu tiên vào năm 1927, giải Pulitzer được trao cho Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy,và Rodgers and Hammerstein và những cá nhân khác.

=> Đáp án: B

Câu 36:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

According to the reading passage, why did Joseph Pulitzer invent the Pulitzer Prize?

Xem đáp án


Theo bài văn, tại sao Joseph Pulitzer sáng lập ra giải Pulitzer ?

A. Để khuyến khích mọi người nhớ tên và thành công của ông.

B. Để khuyến khích những nhà báo ghi nhớ tầm quan trọng chất lượng bài viết.

C. Để khuyến khích sinh viên báo chí đạt được mục tiêu.

D. Để khuyến khích cho các tác phẩm của những người đạt giải Pulitzer.

Dẫn chứng: Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality.

Tạm dịch:  Cuối cùng, ông muốn để lại một di sản cho những nhà báo để nhắc nhở họ về tầm quan trọng của chất lượng bài viết

=> Đáp án: B

Câu 37:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

The word “partial" in the passage is closest in meaning to……

Xem đáp án


Từ “partial” ( một phần) trong bài văn gần nghĩa nhất với :

A. Chỉ một phần

B. Mới toanh

C. Chỉ một

D. Rất quan trọng

=> Đáp án: A

Câu 38:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

According the passage, who receives the Pulitzer Prize?

Xem đáp án


Theo đoạn văn, ai nhận được giải Pulizer?

A.   Sinh viên tốt nghiệp đại học Columbia

B.   Sinh viên báo chí

C.   Các nhà văn và nhà soạn  nhạc nổi tiếng

D.   Phóng viên báo chí nổi tiếng nhất

Dẫn chứng: On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers

Tạm dịch: Sau khi qua đời, ông để lại 2 triệu đô cho trường ĐH Columbia để họ trao tặng giải thưởng cho những nhà văn xuất sắc.

=> Đáp án C

Câu 39:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

According to the reading passage, how did Joseph Pulitzer appeal to the average reader?

Xem đáp án


Theo bài văn, Joseph Pulitzer thu hút những độc giả trung bình bằng cách :

A.Ông viết về những nhà văn nổi tiếng trong báo chí và văn học

B. ÔNg viết những câu chuyện về chiến tranh

C. Ông sản xuất tờ báo của riêng mình

D. Ông in ấn những câu chuyện lý thú về những vụ bê bối và dan díu.

Dẫn chứng: Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue

Tạm dịch: Pulitzer muốn khơi gợi những độc giả trung bình, do đó ông cho in ấn những câu chuyện thú vị về những vụ bê bối và những mối dan díu.

Đáp án D

Câu 40:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

Which sentence about Joseph Pulitzer is true according to the reading passage?

Xem đáp án


Câu nào về Joseph Pulitzer là đúng dựa vào bài văn ?

A.Ông nhận được học bổng khi còn là sinh viên.

B. Ông ta giàu có khi còn trẻ.

C. Ông là một phóng viên trong suốt nội chiến Mỹ.

D. Ông nhập cư vào Mỹ từ Hungary.

Dẫn chứng: Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864

Tạm dịch: Sinh ra ở Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer đến Mỹ vào năm 1864

=>Đáp án D

Câu 41:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

One of the highest honors for formalists, writers, and musical composers is the Pulitzer Prize. First awarded in 1927, the Pulitzer Prize has been won by Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy, and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. As with many famous awards, this prize was named after its founder, Joseph Pulitzer.

Joseph Pulitzer’s story, like that of many immigrants to the United States, is one of hardship, hard work and triumph. Born in Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer moved to United States in 1864. He wanted to be a reporter, but he started his American life by fighting in the American Civil War. After the war, Pulitzer worked for the German - language newspaper, the Westliche Post. His skills as a reporter were wonderful, and he soon became a partial owner of the paper.

In 1978, Pulitzer was able to start a newspaper of his own. Right from the first edition, the newspaper took a controversial approach to new. Pulitzer wanted to appeal to the average reader, so he produced exciting stories of scandal and intrigue. Such an approach is commonplace today, but in Pulitzer’s time it was new and different. The approach led to the discovery of many instances of corruption by influential people. Pulitzer ‘paper became very famous and is still produced today.

The success of Joseph Pulitzer’s newspaper made him a very wealthy man, so he wanted to give something back to his profession. Throughout his later years, he worked to establish university programs for the teaching of journalism, and he funded numerous scholarships to assist journalism students. Finally, he wanted to leave a legacy that would encourage writers to remember the importance of quality. On his death, he gave two million dollars to Columbia University so they could award prizes to great writers.

The Pulitzer Prize recipients are a very select group. For most, winning a Pulitzer Prize is the highlight of their career. If an author, journalist, or composer you know has won a Pulitzer Prize, you can be sure they are at the top of their profession.

Which sentence about Joseph Pulitzer is NOT true according to the reading passage?

Xem đáp án


Câu nào sau đây không đúng về Pulitzer theo bài văn ?

A. Joseph Pulitzer là người đầu tiên đạt giải vào năm 1917.

B. Giải thưởng nhằm khuyến khích cho sự nghiệp của nhà văn.

C. Joseph Pulitzer để lại tiền để trao tặng cho những người đạt giải.

D. Nhận được giải Pulitzer là một trong những điều cao quý nhất đối với những nhà văn.

Giải thích: trong đoạn văn không đề cập đến năm 1917

ð Đáp án A

Dịch bài

          Một trong những giải thưởng cao quý nhất cho những nhà văn, nhà soạn nhạc là giải thưởng Pulitzer. Được trao tặng đầu tiên vào năm 1927, giải Pulitzer được trao cho Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, John F. Kennedy,và Rodgers and Hammerstein và những cá nhân khác. Cũng như những giải thưởng nổi tiếng khác, giải thưởng này được đặt tên theo người sáng lập ra nó, Joseph Pulitzer.

          Câu chuyện của Joseph Pulitzer, cũng như những người nhập cư vào Mỹ khác, là một câu chuyện về sự gian khổ, làm việc hăng say và thành công. Sinh ra ở Hungary, Joseph Pulitzer đến Mỹ vào năm 1864. Ông muốn trở thành một phóng viên, nhưng lại bắt đầu cuộc sống ở Mỹ của mình bằng việc tham gia chiến đấu trong cuộc nội chiến Mỹ. Sau chiến tranh, Pulitzer làm việc cho một tờ báo Đức, tờ Westliche Post. Kĩ năng phóng viên của ông vô cùng tuyệt vời, và ông nhanh chóng trở thành chủ sở hữu một phần của tờ báo. Vào năm 1978, Pulitzer đã có thể tự lập ra một tờ báo cho mình. Ngay từ ấn bản đầu tiên, tờ báo đã tiếp cận đến những nguồn tin tức gây tranh cãi. Pulitzer muốn khơi gợi những độc giả trung bình, do đó ông cho in ấn những câu chuyện thú vị về những vụ bê bối và những mối dan díu.

          Cách tiếp cận này khả phổ biến hiện nay, nhưng ở thời của Pulitzer, nó còn khá là mới mẻ và khác biệt. Hướng tiếp cận này đã dẫn đến việc khám phá ra nhiều vụ tham nhũng của những người có tiếng nói. Tờ báo của Pulitzer trở nên vô cùng nổi tiếng và vẫn tiếp tục được phát hành cho đến nay. Sau khi qua đời, ông để lại 2 triệu đô-la cho trường ĐH Columbia để họ trao tặng những phần thưởng cho những nhà văn xuất sắc. Nhóm người đề cử cho giải Pulitzer được tuyển chọn rất kĩ lưỡng. Đối với phần lớn bọn họ, đạt giải Pulitzer là đỉnh cao của sự nghiệp. Nếu một nhà văn, nhà báo hay nhà soạn nhạc bạn biết đạt giải Pulitzer, bạn có thể chắc chắn rằng họ đang ở đỉnh cao của sự nghiệp.

          Sự thành công của Pulitzer khiến ông trở nên rất giàu có, do đó ông muốn trao lại một thứ gì đấy cho nghề nghiệp của mình. Trong suốt những năm sau đó, ông ấy mở ra các chương trình đào tạo cho những nhà báo, và trao tặng rất nhiều học bổng cho sinh viên báo chí. Cuối cùng, ông muốn để lại một di sản cho những nhà báo để nhắc nhở họ về tầm quan trọng của chất lượng bài viết. Sau khi qua đời, ông để lại 2 triệu đô cho trường ĐH Columbia để họ trao tặng giải thưởng cho những nhà văn xuất sắc. Nhóm người được đề cử cho giải thưởng Pulitzer được tuyển chọn rất kĩ lưỡng. Đối với phần lớn bọn họ, giành được giải Pulitzer là một điểm sáng trong sự nghiệp. Nếu một nhà văn, nhà báo hay nhà soạn nhạc bạn biết đạt giải Pulitzer, bạn có thể chắc rằng họ đang ở đỉnh cao sự nghiệp.

Câu 42:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

The gate was closed to stop the children running into the road.

Xem đáp án


Cánh cổng được đóng lại để ngăn lũ trẻ không chạy ra ngoài đường.

A.   Sai về nghĩa ( cánh cổng bị đóng lại vì vậy lũ trẻ không thể chạy ra ngoài đường)

B.   Sai về thì ( “is”, và “don’t” ở thì hiện tại trong khi câu đề bài là “ was”- thì quá khứ

C.   Đúng

D. Sai về thì( sai “is)

Câu 43:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

If it hadn’t been for the wind, the fire would never have spread so fast

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Nếu không phải vì gió, ngọn lửa sẽ không bao giờ lan nhanh

A.   Ngay cả khi không có gió, ngọn lửa sẽ lan nhanh như vậy (sai về nghĩa)

B.   Đó là con gió làm cho ngọn lửa lan truyền với tốc độ như vậy (đúng)

C.   Đã có gió, gió sẽ lan nhanh hơn(sai về nghĩa)

D. Lực của gió ảnh hưởng đến cách lửa lan truyền(sai về nghĩa)

Câu 44:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

“ Don’t forget to hand in the report, Pete !” said Kate

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“ Đừng quên nộp báo cáo, Pete” Kate nói

A.   Kate nhắc Pete đưa nộp bản báo cáo ( sai ngữ pháp: remind sb to V)

B.   Kate nói rằng Pete đã quên nộp báo cáo. (sai về nghĩa)

C.   Kate quên nộp bản báo cáo cho Pete ( sai về nghĩa)

D.   Kate nhắc Pete nộp bản báo cáo (đúng)

Đáp án D

Câu 45:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction

Because the highway system was built 40 years ago , most of the roads now need to repair.

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Chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề là “ the roads” (những con đường)- cần phải được sửa chữa=> bị động

Need Ving= need to be P2

Đáp án D. Sửa thành “ repairing”/ “to be repaired”

Câu 48:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

She wasn’t wearing a seat-belt. She was injured.

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Cô ấy không thắt dây an toàn. Cô ấy bị tai nạn

A.   Nếu cô ấy không thắt dây an toàn, cô ấy sẽ không bị tai nạn (sai về ngữ pháp)

B.   Nếu cô ấy thắt dây an toàn, cô ấy sẽ bị tai nạn ( sai về nghĩa)

C.   Nếu cô ấy thắt dây an toàn, cô ấy sẽ  không bị tai nạn (sai về ngữ pháp)

D.   Nếu cô ấy thắt dây an toàn, cô ấy sẽ  không bị tai nạn(đúng)

=> Đáp án: D

Câu 49:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Anne jogs every morning. It is very good for her health

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Anne đi bộ mỗi sáng. Điều đó rất tốt cho sức khỏe

A.   Anne đi bộ mỗi sáng và tốt cho sức khỏe cho sức khỏe của cô ấy ( sai về nghĩa)

B.   Anne đi bộ mỗi sáng điều đó tốt cho sức khỏe cho sức khỏe của cô ấy( đúng)

C.   Anne đi bộ mỗi sáng và sau đó tốt cho sức khỏe cho sức khỏe của cô ấy (sai về nghĩa)

D.   Anne đi bộ mỗi sáng điều đó tốt cho sức khỏe cho sức khỏe của cô ấy (sai ngữ pháp)

=> Đáp án: B

Câu 50:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

The student was very bright. He could solve all the math problem

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Học sinh này rất thông minh. Cậu có thể giải quyết được mọi bài toán.

A.   Sai vì “ such + a/ an + adj + N “ mà câu thiếu “a”

B.   Sai vì thiếu “so”

C.   Đúng cấu trúc “ so + adj  + that + clause

D. Sai  vì đảo ngữ này không phải dùng “ such” mà dùng “ so”

Bắt đầu thi ngay